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Sabre's Point of view
I couldn't hear anything. I just ran. My feet pounding against the ground. I can't deal with this right now. This reminds me to much of that day. Running away from my home a storm came over. I was running through the rain and lighting. At least I was until Shadow found me. I know Time Steve was calling and running after me. I just know it. I think I was faster. I found a large tree and quickly climbed up it. I went up to a higher branch trying to calm my breathing. I put my blindfold back over my eyes. I tied it so tight that it hurt. I don't care. I can't let someone just pull it off again. It hurt, but it felt good. I felt my body shake as the thoughts I rather drown out screamed in my head. I suddenly heard footsteps. I looked through the trees to see Time Steve. He wasn't running anymore and was looking around the area. He sighed and laid against the tree I was hiding in.
"Why did I do that?" I was a little surprised. I don't think Time Steve would talk to himself.
"I should of just let it go, but at the same time. I'm happy that I know now. Maybe if I can can find him I can help. I know what a Code jumper is. I just don't know all of it. At the same time who would of thought?" I stopped thinking. I just stopped.
"I really am a idiot. Doing this for what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I want to help, but why should I? He has everyone else. I never was the biggest part of the group." I felt myself move down slowly and quietly. Not sure why I am.
"What do I do now? It's not like I can can do anything. Alex and Galaxy Steve would be able to help more than I can." I was soon at the lowest branch I could be on. I suddenly felt beach snap. I felt myself fall. Then not even a second later I was floating above the ground. Time Steve lowered his hand. He stoped me in time. He then brought me back to the ground.
"Sabre? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay...."
"How long where you up their for?
"Long enough. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of run off like that. I didn't meant to scare you."
"No, it's my fault Sabre, I should of done that to you." We stood their in silence for a second. Not really sure if what to do.
"So.... questions?"
"About you?"
"Yeah...... You wanted to know more about my kind?"
"What do you know then?"
"Not a lot. I know they are a mix of Steve and Players in some way."
"Never thought about to like that. Well, you know when Steve's die they go to the Spirit world?"
"Yes, Players they get a new life forgetting their past one."
"Us code jumpers, we remember o...our last life. My assassin, it was my first life. I left a long time ago. We are supposed to have p...powers of our own." My voice glitched again. While it did I felt my code break more. I guess they are getting more violent.
"What's with your voice?"
"My code.... it's broken....." I unities my blindfold again. Showing him my eyes again.
"My code allows me to get to different worlds. It's my personality, memories even how I look. Without it. I'm nothing."
"Plague Steve? Is that what he took from you?"
"Yes, the infections was breaking my code. Since it's no longer in me. Well, it's not breaking. It's not getting better either." 
"What happens if someone takes it?"
"I honestly don't know. When Plague Steve took it from me.... it felt like something was missing..... I have to hide my eyes because people want it. Since he is a Steve gets it... well they become the most powerful person in the world." I went up to lay against the tree next to Time Steve. He was taking a second to process everything I just told him.
"I understand.... What did the Guardian do you?"
"When you came back. You didn't seem right."
"Right that...... He was trying to get information out of me."
"Information?" His voice raised a little.
"Y....yeah. He was calling me by my first name. He was asking me about my life as an assassin."
"What did he ask?" He seemed to be angry.
"J...just about my parents..... who I um.... well, who I couldn't save...." I felt my voice break a little. Trying to hide how much it bothered me.
"I will talk to him about I later...." The sound of his voice scared me a little. It sounded like he was ready to kill someone. I really hope he doesn't.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was back to his comforting tone.
"I....I'm not sure......" my voice trailed. I didn't realize how much my heart wanted me to talk about it to someone until now.
"Three, their where three people I couldn't save." Time Steve took my hand looking at me.
"Are you sure you want to?" He sensed my hesitation.
"I...I think I do..... The first was my Dad... I was Twelve. Wait you know what a dad means right?" He gave me a quick nod.
"Okay.... well he.... we went to the market and...." I felt my body shake. I never really talked about this to anyone before. Time Steve wrapped arm arm around me. Trying to comfort me. He didn't seem to care if I couldn't tell him.
"He was killed... stabbed.... in front of me....A Templar guard killed him. I was such a brat that day.... I didn't even get to say sorry....."
Time Steve pulled me closer to him. I was looking down at my hands. Flashes of memories came before my eyes.
"I ran home.... mom was gone.... flames....guards.... I ran...... I didn't stop....." The memories felt almost too real. I felt my body shake more violently.
"Then I meet Shadow..... he took me in...trained me into a assassin. One day we were caught. He was hanged..."
"'s when someone gets a rope that's connect to something tall, tied around their neck. They say a few words and then. The floor is locked from below them.... they either died of suffocation or the neck snapping....."
"I...I'm sorry..... who was the last one...."
"Wait wasn't Lucas here?"
"Yeah, he came into this world with me. He didn't remember anything. In the world where I first meet him. He was a Templar guard. He became my friend in the end. We were in a trap. Three of my friends where all about to die.... they asked me to choose one to die...... I...I couldn't do it.... to this day if someone asked me..... since I couldn't choose they chose for me. Lucas was killed.... I....I couldn't stop any of them.... It was my fault they....." I felt Time Steve hug my tightly. I didn't realize how close I was to tears. I was trying to calm myself down.
"Sabre.... it wasn't you fault it never was. I don't think they would blame you. I don't think they would blame you for anything. You did everything you could right? Or you couldn't do anything at all. Sometimes we can't." He pulled me closer to him letting my rest on his chest. I slowly felt myself calm down. He started to rub my back. I felt my body relax more.
"T....thank you for listening..." He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to. I felt myself get tired.... I felt myself fall asleep.
(Word 1321) Hope you liked the ship chapter!

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