Welcome Back

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Sabre's Point of view
"We are back!" Galaxy Steve said. I saw Rainbow Steve run to us.
"SABRE!!!!!" He ran at me and gave me a hug. I flinched a little.
"Oh god Sabre what happened!?"
"I'm okay Rainbow Steve don't worry about me."
"You were shot Sabre. Don't you dare think it's fine."
"It's nothing. Did anything happen while we were gone?"
"No, we haven't seen anyone thankfully."
"Let's get the Overseer to fix you up okay?" I nodded. Rainbow Steve took me to where the Overseer was he.
"You guys are back!" The Overseer saw us and was happy. He touched my shoulder and started to heal it.
"It's fine Overseer you don't have to."
"I have to Sabre." He healed my shoulder side wound, and hand.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
"We are just happy your back."
"It's good to be back."
"Also you still need to explain how you died in that world." Elemental Steve got straight to the point.
"The world we went to. It's apparently the world you used to live in before you came into ours." Nineteenth.... this is my nineteenth world. Not actually my second.
"Who really?! What was it like?!" Rainbow Steve seemed very excited about it.
"It was very interesting."
"Also, what do you mean you died?"
"Yeah.... long story short I died and came into this world with my memories."
"How though?"
"Your asking me to tell you how I died. I do not want to do that. Sorry."
"No it's fine. Did you see any of your friends?"
"Yeah.... for them I've been dead for four years. That is about how long I have been in this world for."
"Cool. We won't ask more about it. Just tell us when you think it's okay."
"I...I will...." my voice glitched a little. I really wanted to scream in frustration.
"No signs of the other Steves. The Guardian we haven't seen around since he brought Blue Steve, Light Steve and me back."
"They are probably going to attack soon."
"I know. We have been waiting for a while."
"It's almost like they knew you were gone."
"Wouldn't they attacked though. With me gone it would be easier.... Not by a lot though."
"They are planning something big. I just know it."
"I know.... whatever it is it can't be good." We all stayed silent for a while.
"Please tell us how it happened!" Galaxy Steve said. I sighed.
"Fine...... Well.... where do I start...."
"Wait you just changed your mind just like that?"
"Yeah. That day their was a important meeting for the Templar Family. We didn't know what it was about, but we knew it couldn't be good. We made a plan to end this meeting and hopefully kill everyone in there."
"Wait kill?"
"Y...yes... W...we decided to set the place on fire. Make it look like a accident. W...we all w...went to different levels of the building. I w..was in charge of the level w...where the meeting was taking place. I barricaded the doors. I heard something though...."
"What did you hear?"
"T...the leader of t...the Templar f...family.... Rudyard. H...he knew who my friends are... he was going to send his best guards to kill them and their f...families." I don't get a reaction from the others. I took a deep breath.
"I couldn't let that happen. We said after we started the fire we would get out and see what's happens. I d..decided t..to stay...." They looked at me and some of them looked disappointed while the others gave me a of course you would look.
"The building was collapsing. I was in the main room waiting to see if anyone got out. Someone did Rudyard.... we fought it out.... he cut my chest opened.... he pinned me to the ground..... he was about to kill me.... I stabbed him..... he died.....then I..." My voice started to trail as the memory became more real. I could see the vivid memory play in my mind.
"Don't worry it's fine. Now you know."
"I mean that's really cool."
"Also don't you dare sacrifice yourself for us! I will personally find you and smack you." Galaxy said angrily.
"I won't care by then." They all looked at me in relief. Suddenly their was lighting. We all backed up as lightning surrounded us. I suddenly felt something grab me. I looked to see that something also grabbed Elemental Steve. It was Faceless. The persons who grabbed me was.... Plague Steve.... Time Steve was behind held down by Faceless too. They aren't able to break from him. I looked in front of me to see Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve and The Overseer next to each other. Rainbow Steve has a sword to his throat from Nightmare Steve. Galaxy Steve has a sword over his chest; behind him was Void Steve. Overseer has a sword to his neck. Origin Steve holding him down. Origin Steve looked at me in the eye a grin forming. He stared me down with glowing blue eyes. He looked satisfied.
"So who will it be? Who is going to die?"
(Words 943)
(Read important)
If you haven't already read the A/N it tells you why I have been gone. I have a question for all of you.
Who do you want to die?
Yes someone is going to die and I am going to let you choose. Remember don't just choose by how much you love the character. Choose by how much it would effect the Story. Have fun with the question.

My Inner Code (A FavremySabre Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now