Chapter 25. Legends Never Die

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The next few minutes were frustrating. Herobrine didn't let anyone near him, throwing them aside like rag dolls if they got close.

"Alright, we have to do something effective!" Grian yelled in frustration. Why he yelled in Galactic is beyond me. I guess he didn't want the Hermits to hear?

"Galactic? Okay, whatever." Steve replied back with a huff. To be fair, Galactic is easier to speak and it flows better, making it quicker.

"What do you propose we do?" Notch asked.

"I don't know, does he have a certain weakness that we could use to our advantage?" I asked, deflecting a stray shot of magic with my sword like a lightsaber.

I saw Notch and Steve muttering inaudible words in Galactic. They pulled away from each other. In no time, Notch appeared next to me. The other three Hermits (including me) formed a sloppy circle with the legends. Herobrine was surrounded.

Notch and Steve nodded to each other, though they both had sour expressions on their faces.

"Alright, we decided that we have to hold him down in order to kill him. Steve and I know how to create magic restricting bonds, and the rest of you can just hold hold him to the floor." Notch grumbled. I nodded, readying my hands. Grian and Biffa were told by Steve, since they were on the other side of the room.

"Finally deciding to do something worth planning, aren't you?" Herobrine sneered. Steve ignored that comment, dodging another blast.

"Now!" Steve yelled. It was a spectacular sight if you didn't know what and why we were doing it. Rose, silver, gold, and white magic flashed brightly. (Biffa, myself, Grian, and Steve respectively. Notch's magic doesn't show.) Said magic was aimed towards Herobrine. It wrapped around him, though he struggled.

Herobrine was held to the floor, colorful light flashing around him.

It worked. It actually worked. I stared in disbelief as I watched Herobrine struggle. He tried to blast us, but he couldn't move his hands. He turned his head to glare at Steve.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Steve said, kneeling down next to his brother.

"Let go of me!" Herobine growled.

"Bryan... you can change. It doesn't have to be like this." Steve repeated. He wiped a drop of sweat from his face, slowly approaching Herobrine. I struggled to hold Herobrine, his magic was already breaking our bonds.

"Do you remember the time before all this madness? The joy? The happiness? The fun?" Herobrine froze. His eyes twitched, showing green iris'. But it was only there for a millisecond, before the white glow was back. Herobrine growled, struggling against the admins' hold.

"Leave me alone, Steve. You don't know me." He snarled

"You are my brother." Steve cringed as he said it.

"Not anymore. The moment you tossed me aside like a piece of-" Steve covered Herobrine's mouth.

"No more of that, Bryan." Herobrine shook Steve's hand away from his mouth, snarling at the other legend.

"Stop calling me that. That was the name of a weak player." He hissed. Herobrine was almost free. Grian and Biffa, who were both sweating at this point, felt it too.

"Steve!" I gasped, hands starting to burn from the resistance Herobrine was giving. "Kill him already!" Steve hesitantly took out a diamond dagger, holding it in a reverse grip. (I guess he had a backup weapon.) It glowed a white glow, indicating that it can now cause perma-death. Herobrine started to struggle more.

"Goodbye, Herobrine." Steve whispered as Herobrine broke the bonds we held him down with.

His attempt to escape was too late.

Steve drove the fatal dagger into Herobrine's heart. Herobrine gasped. He gurgled and coughed out blood, the golden substance dropping to the floor.

He glared at his brother by blood with a hatred that was unexplainable in words.

"Legends never die." Herobrine weakly snarled, before the glow in his white eyes faded. Much to Steve's dismay, they didn't turn green again. Herobrine's body remained, though his body was still. Perma-death achieved.

Steve pulled the dagger out, staring at the golden blood that dripped off with a lost and sorrowful look in his indigo eyes.

"I'm sorry, Steve." Grian muttered, putting a comforting hand on the man's shoulder. The legend nodded, closing his eyes tight. I just knew he was wishing this weren't real.

(1336 words)

(i dont know about the galactic part, btw. i dont think galactic has any pronunciations...)

[✔] A Forgotten's Uprise (Sequel to TWD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz