Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You

Start from the beginning

"Are you looking forward to seeing Danny's reaction?" Kathryn asks Alice trying to get a sense of where the pair are with each other.

"Yes and no, It's been a while since we were together" Alice answers feeling conflicted

"You guys still have feelings for each other it's so obvious" Ella points out to her

"I Guess we will see how things go now that we are actually talking to each other" Alice beamed while she walked through the hall feeling happy about herself again.

"What about Zackery?" Kathryn quizzes Ella wondering where things are with them

"Me and Zack both agreed that it was only a couple of times type of relationship. We will get with each other and if we are ever board then we will hit each other up" Ella smirked.

"Some times it's good to have a no string attached relationship" Kathryn encourages her friend feeling happy for her.

" I'm sure Jesse will be happy to see you dressed like this" Alice joined in the conversation

"He better be" Kathryn jokes with the girls

"How was your car ride yesterday home?" Ella interrogates her wanting to know details

"It wasn't really that bad, I think i was just a bit in shock" Kathryn shares with the girls as she thinks back to the car ride and her discussion with Dallas.

" I don't think Jesse likes the fact you two are training together" Alice mentions to her having sensed his jealousy when ever Dallas's name comes out Kathryn's mouth or when someone else mentions the pair.

"It's not like anything is going to happen, All we do is hit each other but i could see why he might not be happy with the idea "Kathryn acknowledges Jesse's jealousy as if it was the other way around she would be feeling the exact same way.

Ella's phone lights up with a notification, she looks at it and rolls her eyes. She opens up the message

" Danny has just messaged me "Hurry up and stop messing about. We are starving" " Ella quotes the message to the girls

"We are only a couple of minutes away" Alice grumbled at their impatience.

"We are right round the corner and secondly we never told you idiots to wait for us" Ella texts back to Danny.

Grand Hall-

Danny, Jesse, Zackery and Dallas are all sat at the table waiting for the girls to arrive

"Ella replied "We are right round the corner and secondly we never told you idiots to wait for us" Danny informs the boys

"Which one do you think slept in?" Jesse questions them knowing it had to be one of them.

"I say them all, wouldn't be surprised if they have just throw on clothes and came running" Zackery takes a guess as there is quite a lot of days where the girls can't be bothered to put in the effort.

"Never know they could surprise us"Dallas pipes up as he looks down at his phone.

The boys are all looking down on their phones when they realise everyone whispering to one another. They look up to see what is going on and see the girls coming down the hallway and over to them.

" Is that?" Danny begins to say as he looks at them in shock.

The girls sit on the opposite side of the table as the boys and put their keys and phone on the table.

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