"Through there." The larger angel pointed at the big set of doors while taking back his handkerchief and shoving it in his robes.

Jinyoung turned towards the door, taking in a deep breath. He wasn't prepared for this at all, but he had no choice. He stepped up to the door, pushing it open, and disappearing behind it.

He was immediately met with darkness aside from a light coming from high up above, so high, that he couldn't even see the source of the light. Around the edges of the circular room were large pillars, in the center a smaller gold plated circle decorating the floor.

He stood there just looking around, wondering where he had to go next.

"Step forward." A deep voice boomed, sounding as if it came from above.

Jinyoung looked around for the owner of the voice, though he wasn't surprised that he couldn't find them. He did as told, stepping forward towards the middle of the room.

"Stop there." The voice commanded.

Jinyoung froze, looking down briefly at the golden circle that he was now standing on. Suddenly, the ground under him began to shake, or rather, the platform under his feet started to rise. He was lifted up slowly closer to the light, but still not close enough to see the ceiling. He soon figured that those pillars at the edges of the room must've been just extremely tall seats for each council member.

"You are?" The voice asked.

Jinyoung swallowed hard. Was he talking to the council right now?

"S-Siros class angel, Park Jinyoung." He answered, his voice shaking a lot more than he planned it to.

"Ah. The one who's broken too many rules to count." The deep voice responded.

"We thought your excursion to Earth would do you good. You've just caused more trouble." Another voice startled Jinyoung. In comparison to the first, this one sounded slightly angry and worn out, as if coming from a cranky elderly person.

"H-How did I do that?" Jinyoung mindlessly stuttered out, though such questions and responses would probably not bode him well if taken incorrectly.

"Getting emotionally involved with a human is just asking for trouble! You've been schooled all your life on the important rules an angel must follow, have we wasted our precious time teaching someone who can't retain such crucial information!?" The elderly voice scolded, whoever the owner may be seemed to have quite the disdain towards Jinyoung.

"Jinyoung. I shall list your crimes, and from there we shall discuss your ultimate punishment." A woman's voice echoed through the chamber, her's sounding softer yet commanding enough to have Jinyoung's hairs standing on end. "You have broken numerous rules consecutively, and haven't shown any plan to learn from your mistakes; from having an illogical hate for humans, to interfering with the life and death of a human, to exposing your status as an angel to a human, and falling in love with said human as well."

"These cannot be taken lightly. The world of humans and angels are separate for a reason, you know this, Jinyoung." The deep voice stated.

"Would you like to give an explanation as to why you felt it was necessary to break such crucial laws, and put not just yourself, but the angel world and human world in danger?" To woman asked.

"I..." What was he to say? How should he respond? There was so much he could say yet couldn't formulate into words, and so much he wanted to say but was worried about angering the council. More than anything, he didn't think of a reason since he broke many of those rules unintentionally. He didn't want to hate humans, he just did. He didn't plan to fall in love with Jaebum, it just happened. How could he explain things that were hardly explainable? He was never the ill intent sort of person, so giving a proper reason was a bit difficult. "It's many reasons... I'm..."

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