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Jaebum, who was sat at his desk, had been too focused scribbling away in his book to notice Jinyoung creeping up behind him.

Though he did happen to see the other's shadow at the last minute beginning to block his view, so he did what he had been doing for the past few days now while trying to get used to a second addition to his household. Ignored him.

"What are you doing?" Jinyoung asked, leaning over Jaebum's shoulder.

Despite how much he hated being on earth, Jinyoung was quite the curious one. He tried not to show it often, but his wonder about the mortal world often came through due to the dozens of questions he'd ask Jaebum in a day.

And despite the angel constantly reminding Jaebum of how much he despised him, Jinyoung often inquired about Jaebum's personal life as well. Weird how someone with no interest in him does nothing but hover and prod.

"Writing?" Jaebum responded, figuring that it was pretty easy to see what he was doing. He hunched over his notebook, covering the currently opened page with his body.

That only made Jinyoung lean in closer, his chest pressing against Jaebum's shoulder as he craned his neck to try and catch a peek of the paper. "Writing what?"

"Um. Nothing." Jaebum mumbled, nudging Jinyoung away. It was safe to say that angels must not know what personal space is.

"Let me see." Jinyoung reached over Jaebum's body and grabbed the book, tugging it away from him. He spun around and flipped through the pages, his eyes quickly skimming the horribly written words.

"Hey!" Jaebum stood from his desk, trying to grab the book out of Jinyoung's hand, only for a current of electricity to flow through his fingers. He gasped in shock, pulling his hand back and inspecting it. "Ow!"

Jinyoung smirked, turning his back to Jaebum as he read. "Let's see..."

Jaebum still wasn't over the fact that his hand was trembling from the electricity still flowing through it. It must've been some of Jinyoung's left over powers that he used to shock Jaebum with, though surely hurting people couldn't have been the intended use for them. "You shocked me!"

Jinyoung blissfully ignored Jaebum's whining, clearing his throat to read out the few sentences written on the page. "I think I'll be living with an angel for a little while. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but things like this make me glad that I decided to start keeping diary entries of my daily life. He's already been here for a few days, and getting used to him is kinda hard. This angel seems more like a little devil, but there's something about him that I find intriguing. Hopefully I can learn more."

That annoying smirk tugged at Jinyoung's lips as he shot Jaebum a smug look. "So you keep a diary, how cute."

Jaebum rolled his eyes. Of course this gave Jinyoung more fuel to use against him, because why in the world would Jinyoung actually be nice to him for a change? "Not a diary, a journal. Can you give it back."

Jinyoung threw the book back to Jaebum, the other haphazardly catching it between his palms. "I'm flattered to be featured in such a masterpiece. Though you got some information wrong. You didn't describe me correctly at all; rather than a devil I'm devilishly handsome, clever, charming, selfless, better than you in every way..."

"I'll be sure to add 'full of himself' to the list." Jaebum muttered.

Now Jinyoung was the one rolling his eyes. He turned away to drop himself on the couch. "You're annoying."

"Says the one who's invaded my home." Jaebum retorted.

"You invited me here so you did it to yourself." Jinyoung pointed out, sticking his tongue out at Jaebum who mirrored the teasing expression. "Anyway, is there anything actually entertaining to do around here? I've been bored out of my mind."

Jaebum shrugged. It was true that he did allow Jinyoung to stay with him, but he didn't think he'd have to entertain him too. Jinyoung sounded like he had all these angelic duties to tend to, yet he'd been lounging around Jaebum's apartment since he got there. No wonder he wasn't in heaven, he seemed lazy as hell.

Though, Jaebum suddenly had a thought that might knock that lazy spell right out of Jinyoung. Maybe it would make him appreciate the human race just a bit more if he were to be integrated into actual society.

Jaebum turned towards the angel who was now laid across the couch, feet up while flipping through TV channels. "Wanna come to work with me tomorrow?"

Jinyoung scoffed, looking at Jaebum as if he were growing another head. "No, why would I want to get my hands dirty with human junk?"

"You said you're in debt to me. So I want you to come help out." Jaebum stated, a smug smile resting on his lips as Jinyoung shot him a glare.

"Oh you're pulling that card, huh?" The other mumbled, groaning at the mere thought of moving from the couch. He let out a long sigh, giving a signature eye roll. "Fine. I'll come. As long as it'll get me closer to going back to heaven."

Jaebum grinned, turning back to his desk. "Great. Be up by 6 in the morning."

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