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"Why is the music so loud!?" Jinyoung complained as they entered the large room with blaring speakers.

"Because the purpose is to have fun!" Jaebum exclaimed. He hooked his arm with Jinyoung's, tugging him along. "Come on!"

Jaebum had actually brought them to a strip club, taking his car and promising on the drive there that it would be a lot of fun if Jinyoung just stuck by him and followed his lead. Jinyoung was a bit nervous going somewhere he'd never been before, but he willingly trusted Jaebum to lead the way and hopefully show him a good time.

Though once they got into the actually building, Jinyoung wasn't so sure of his trust anymore.

He pulled the opposite direction, seeming hesitant to go further into the abyss of the unknown. "Let go of me."

Jaebum sighed, only holding onto him tighter. "I don't wanna lose you in the crowd. Just follow me."

Jinyoung stumbled along after him, following Jaebum to a large circular stage towards the back of the room. The dim lighting was hard to maneuver through, but Jaebum seemed to know exactly where he was going. He brought Jinyoung close to the stage, getting them a good view for the upcoming performance.

"Why is there a pole up there?" Jinyoung asked, trying to figure out what kind of entertainment they were supposed to be getting from the whole scene.

"You'll see!" Jaebum exclaimed, his eyes glued forward.

Some spotlights shined on the stage, seemingly louder music beginning to play as the show began. They were surrounded by other men hooting and hollering, but rather than joining them, Jinyoung just made sure he stayed close to Jaebum while trying to figure out what was going on.

Jinyoung saw movement on the stage from the corner of his eye, looking over and gasping as he was met with the sight of a man proudly showing off way more exposed skin than he'd ever expected to see. Jinyoung tightly gripped Jaebum's arm, tugging urgently hard at his jacket. "J-Jaebum he's half naked!"

"That's the point!" Jaebum responded.

Jinyoung had no idea that this was what a strip club was, though revisiting the name definitely made it clear. The man on stage was molding and warping his body around the pole, doing incredible tricks while teasing the audience with flashes of his private areas. It was impressive, but it definitely wasn't something Jinyoung was used to seeing. He was shocked to witness others carelessly throwing money at the stage, and even Jaebum threw some as if it were an obligation.

It was all quite overwhelming. The lights, the blaring music, the half nude dancer before him; Jinyoung had no idea how he was supposed to respond to all of this. He wasn't exactly into any of it, and while all the men around him seemed to be having fun, he felt a bit different.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." He said hopefully loud enough for Jaebum to hear before quickly rushing off, needing a few minutes to actually find the bathroom before heading straight for it.

Jaebum had heard Jinyoung take his leave, and by how fast the other walked off, he could tell something wasn't right. He followed Jinyoung to the bathroom, walking in after him.

"Hey, Jinyoung?" Jaebum called, his concern growing as Jinyoung leaned over one of the sinks. He stepped closer, noticing the unhappy expression that adorned his face.

"Why would you bring me here?"

Jaebum sighed, leaning over on the wall next to him. "To get you to live a little. You have no idea how much fun you can have on Earth if you sit there and hate everything. And you seemed so excited to go out the first time, I wanted to give you another new experience."

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