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Jaebum was so used to waking up to Jinyoung's peacful face that he nearly had a panic attack when he opened his eyes to an empty pillow.

He had a nice dream of laying in Jinyoung scented clouds, engulfed in warmth that probably stemmed from actually cuddling the angel the entire night. He was sad to awaken from the dream, but usually Jinyoung would still be clutching onto him fast asleep, so Jaebum's dream technically would never end.

That wasn't the case that morning, and Jaebum bolted up out of his bed in search of his missing guest. He first scanned his bedroom, not spotting Jinyoung anywhere. As he got out of bed he had the sinking feeling that maybe Jinyoung had left. Maybe he went back to heaven already, but without saying anything? Or maybe he just went somewhere else to stay, since Jaebum always regarded his place as a temporary home. But he wouldn't just up and leave in the middle of the night, would he?

Jaebum had a tight feeling in his chest, his hand pressing over his heart as he opened his bedroom door and hurried out. The last thing he wanted was to find his apartment empty. If he were really gone, the least Jinyoung could do was leave a note.

To his relief, Jaebum saw a figure dressed in a familiar T-shirt and shorts standing in the living room, immediately recognizable as Jinyoung. Jaebum let out a breath of relief, catching the angel's attention.

Jinyoung spun around, holding something in his hands. "What's wrong? Did I wake you? Bad dream?"

Jaebum had hoped it was a bad dream if Jinyoung had really went missing, he knew he wouldn't be calm if the angel suddenly disappeared like that. Though in response to the questions he shook his head, pulling himself together to not look as worried as he did. "Uh, n-no I just... you weren't... um, it's not important."

"You rushed in here like you were crazy. Scared me." Jinyoung stated, letting out his own little breath of relief that was no match to Jaebum's. He looked back down at a weird item in his hands, a smile resting on his lips.

Jaebum walked over to him, his curiosity interested in the foreign item the angel held. "What the hell is that?"

"It's a message! Jaebum they sent a message, finally!" Jinyoung exclaimed happily, showing Jaebum the weird looking paper with illegible scribbles on it.

Jaebum leaned in for a closer look, reaching out to touch the thin material. "Is that... pure gold paper?"

Jinyoung snagged it away before he could touch it, keeping it at a safe distance. "Only heaven's finest."

"The hell is written on that?" Jaebum questioned. No matter how hard he tried, he had no idea what gibberish was scrawled out on the paper.

"The language of the gods. Only heavenly beings can read it." Jinyoung informed while looking over the words again. "A messenger must've stopped by last night and left this here."

"Well, what's it say?" Jaebum asked, that being the biggest question of them all.

Jinyoung cleared his throat, holding the paper up into the sunlight to see it better. "We've been watching you. Your punishment is doing you well, though there is still more to learn. Do not expect another message soon."

Jaebum tried to make sense of the message, but he couldn't put together exactly what it was trying to say. It was worded like Jinyoung's odd pattern of speech during the first few weeks of his stay on Earth, which luckily morphed into something more understandable the longer he was around humans. "The hell does that mean?"

"Means that they've been watching how I've been doing on Earth and so far I've done a good job redeeming myself from my mistakes, though since there's more to learn, I still have a while before I'm allowed to go back." Jinyoung explained, as if it were the easiest thing to understand.

"You got all of that from three weird sounding sentences?"

"It's just how angels speak to one another, you wouldn't get it." Jinyoung scanned the note again before pressing the paper to his chest, turning to Jaebum with as smile. "I'm just glad they're finally communicating with me. I felt like I was forgotten."

Jaebum nodded while scratching the back fo his head. If it were up to him, he would've completely disregarded the message. If they wanted Jinyoung back they would've came and gotten him a long time ago, not leave him for nearly half a year by himself. But the angel seemed happy to know that he was making progress, and Jaebum had to remind himself that his little apartment wasn't Jinyoung's home. It wasn't where he really belonged, he was of a totally different species that had its rightful place elsewhere, no matter how similar to humans he was.

It hurt a little bit to remember that Jinyoung's time was limited, and they still had no clue of when he may be leaving. And it hurt a bit worse to realize that after he leaves, Jaebum would be alone again with an empty feeling inside. Even feelings of lust didn't go away easily, if that really was what he felt for Jinyoung anyway.

Still, he had to try and stay positive. If this news made Jinyoung happy, he should at least show his support despite his own opinion about it. "So, must be a good day for you."

"Yeah, aside from still not being able to return to heaven." Jinyoung nodded. He glanced over at Jaebum, his eyes lingering on his downcast expression that he didn't even realize he was making. The angel cleared his throat, quickly setting the message down on the coffee table. "But um... I think I can handle staying here a bit longer. I'm not as homesick as I had been a few weeks ago."

At that Jaebum's face brightened, a little smile working its way onto his lips. "Well then, I think I can handle you staying here for as long as you need to."

"Thanks." Jinyoung replied, his stare caught in Jaebum's clear brown eyes. He seemed to momentarily get lost in them, having to blink himself back to reality when he realized he'd been looking for way too long. "Um, so um, a-any plans today or...?"

Jaebum had to bring himself back to the present as well, shaking his head once he'd registered the question. "Nope. Why? Got something in mind?"

Jinyoung chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes drifting around the room as he spoke. "I just um... well I saw an advertisement on the television for a film that came out last week and I've been thinking about it a lot... I kinda wanna see it..."

Jaebum raised a brow; last time he checked Jinyoung avoided seeing movies. "Oh? Jinyoung wants to indulge in what we humans call 'film'? I thought you weren't interested?"

"Well the advertisement peaked my interest okay? It's a romance movie and I just kinda wanna see it..." the angel mumbled.

At the sound of romance, Jaebum made a disgusted face. "Ew you're a romance guy?"

"You're not?"

"I prefer action or thrillers, I kinda hate the romance genre."

"Oh..." Jinyoung's gaze fell to the floor, his shoulders slumping down a bit. "...Well I mean, we don't have to see it-"

"No, I didn't say we can't see it." Jaebum interrupted. His heart almost broke in two seeing the angel get all disappointed for those few seconds; Jaebum was willing to endure a stupid love movie if it put that smile back on his face. "Go get ready, I'll buy the tickets."

Jinyoung's lips spread into a radiant grin; he nodded and rushed off to get himself ready.

For now, Jaebum decided to look on the bright side of things. He still had Jinyoung with him now, and going by the message, he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, which meant that they could spend a lot of time together before having to worry about him leaving. And with the tingly feelings of affection Jaebum had built up inside of him for the angel, he couldn't help but think of days like these sort of as dates.

Maybe they weren't labeled exactly as a 'date', but Jaebum figured that if he refused to let his heart run free, then he could at least allow his imagination go wild instead. With that, he went off to go prepare for their 'not exactly a date' date.


(*didn't really proofreads this so sorry for errors hshshs*)

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