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"You smell good." Jinyoung mumbled in the crook of Jaebum's neck, peppering appreciative kisses along his skin.

"Just showered." Jaebum answered. He was trapped under Jinyoung who insisted on laying on top of him, being the snuggling type he was.

The past few days had been a bit eventful, but it was really nice when the two were just able to comfortably enjoy one another's presence. It felt amazing to have Jinyoung in his arms, he wouldn't have rathered it any other way.

But the thought of how grateful he was for Jinyoung quickly brought on the negative side of things. Jinyoung was still an angel, he didn't belong on Earth. So exactly how much longer would Jaebum be able to hold him like that?

Jinyoung rarely talked about it, and at first Jarbum didn't want to press on such upsetting topics, but at that point it felt crucial to mention it. He had to know what the future held for them, he didn't want to be caught by surprise. And even with Jinyoung's silence on the topic, it must've been plaguing his mind too considering just the night before he was looking over that note he received a few weeks ago from heaven.

The worst case would be for Jinyoung to be by his side one second, and then dissapeared forever the next. Jaebum wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"Jinyoung?" He called, still feeling those wet kisses being trailed along his jaw.

"Hm?" Jinyoung hummed out, deep and lazy.

"I've been wondering, since I saw you with that paper last night..." Jaebum let out a long breath, his hand slowly caressing the angel's back. "How long do you think you'll be here with me?"

Jinyoung shrugged. "I don't know. Why?"

"Because..." Jaebum felt his chest tighten a bit at the mere thought of Jinyoung one day leaving him. He needed to take another breath before continuing. "...because, even though I want to ignore it, you could leave me any day. I don't know if you'll go willingly or unwillingly but, I know they'll take you away from me by force if they have to, won't they? And I wouldn't know what to do with myself."

Jinyoung pulled back to look Jaebum in the eye. "What makes you think I'll leave you?"

"You said it yourself, you have to go back to heaven at some point. I mean, that was your main goal the first few weeks after you met me." Jaebum reminded.

Jinyoung's eyes dimmed as they fell to his lap. He paused for a moment before shaking his head and returning to his position on top of Jaebum. "Let's... not think about that, okay?"

"No but Jinyoung-"

"Shh." Jinyoung smacked their lips together into a hard kiss, catching him off guard. He held Jaebum close by the back of his neck, fingers dancing over his soft skin.

Jaebum was panting when they parted, his skin quickly heating up from the angel's shameless touches. "Jinyoung, stop."

Jinyoung was planting soft kisses all over Jaebum's face and neck. His hand slipped under his shirt, fingers trailing along Jaebum's ribcage and making him shudder. He was trying to avoid the subject, with intoxicating lips and his knowledge of ways to make Jaebum shut up, Jinyoung was obviously deflecting.

"Jinyoung I said stop." Jaebum gripped the angel's intrusive wrist, pushing it away from him. "You can't just ignore this. Please."

Jinyoung pulled back again, letting out a disappointed sigh. He climbed off of Jaebum to fish his sweatpants off the floor and put them on over his boxers. "I don't want to talk about it."

"But we have to. You're the one worrying yourself sick over losing me but just think for a sec how I would feel if I lost you? Awful, I'd feel awful. We have to discuss this." Jaebum replied.

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