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Jaebum had stayed on that couch with Jinyoung for a while, the angel having quite literally cried himself to sleep.

He had leaned back against the arm of the couch with Jinyoung on top of him, the press of their bodies together keeping him warm in the room that grew cold since Jaebum couldn't get up and turn on the heat without waking the angel. Jaebum didn't mind it one bit since he got to indulge in Jinyoung's head against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and the cute way he snuggled closer when Jaebum impulsively ran his fingers through those dark locks of hair.

Jaebum had taken his time admiring Jinyoung's sleeping face, wiping away the excess tears when he had finished crying and helping him calm down. He thought about everything he'd learned, all the things Jinyoung had seen and dealt with, he knew he could never relate. But Jaebum was willing to be there for Jinyoung when he needed support or a shoulder to lean on. He wanted to be there, and was glad that Jinyoung trusted him enough to confide in him and seek the support he needed.

Even if just serving as a comfortable pillow to lay his head on was good enough, Jaebum didn't mind serving that purpose.

They'd been there for hours before Jinyoung began to wake from his nap, and though Jaebum wished he wouldn't so they could stay laid across the couch cuddle up together longer, he figured it was probably better to check up on Jinyoung and make sure he was alright.

Jinyoung was usually slow to wake up, but in this case since he'd opened his eyes to his head resting comfortably on a large expanse of chest, he was slightly startled.

Jaebum had been watching him pull out of his slumber, though he wasn't prepared to get struck hard in the chin by the top of Jinyoung's head that bolted up faster than he could comprehend, making his teeth dig into his bottom lip.


"Ah-" Jinyoung squealed, rubbing the spot where Jaebum's chin stabbed his head. He looked up, blinking away the sleep in his eyes. "Jaebum?"

"My lip..." Jaebum muffled, his hand covering his mouth. He ran his tongue over his lip, an irony taste on his taste buds.

Jinyoung sat up, pulling Jaebum's hand away from his face to inspect the wound. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, everyone gets a busted lip at some point in life, right?" Jaebum shrugged as he sucked on his bottom lip to rid of the blood.

Jinyoung looked around, realizing that he was still sitting on the couch except it was hours later. "You stayed here with me all this time?"

"Well I couldn't really go anywhere with you laying on me, could I?" Jaebum asked.

Jinyoung looked away, his ears burning red. "No I s-supose not, sorry..."

"Hey, either way I would've stayed with you. I gotta make sure you're okay." Jaebum replied, reaching up to gently touches the angels cheek. He wiped away an eye lask he spotted, his eyes drifting over and locking with Jinyoung's momentarily. Jaebum's heart leaped out of his chest, snapping him out of his trance. He quickly pulled his hand away, clearing his throat. "Um, but a-anyway, you hungry or..."

"No." Jinyoung immediately replied. He hadn't stopped staring, his gaze captured by Jaebum's face.

Jaebum grew a bit flustered, his go to solution being to talk over his loud heartbeat. "Oh? Well that's fine, we can chill out for a bit then-"

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