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"Jaebummie where are the shoes you bought me?" Jinyoung called from the living room.

"In the closet by the door." Jaebum replied before spitting toothpaste out into the sink. He'd almost choked at the sound of a nickname leaving Jinyoung's lips, as the angel had not even once called him any sort of cute name before. He exited the bathroom into the living room, watching Jinyoung come out of their shared bedroom with his new shoes on that Jaebum had insisted on buying for him. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Jinyoung hummed in response as he walked through to get his jacket.

"Where did the nickname come from? And why did you start calling me that?" Jaebum asked, following the younger to the front door after retrieving his own jacket.

Jinyoung turned, a frown of confusion on his face. "Hm? What nickname?"

Jaebum blinked, taking a moment to realize that Jinyoung hadn't even noticed he'd said it. A light chuckle escaped him, from both Jinyoung's adorableness and the joy of earning a nickname from him. He decided not to point it out and just go along with it. "Um... nevermind. It's nothing."

Jinyoung practically ignored him, turning to the door and waiting impatiently for him to get himself together. "Hurry, we'll be late."

"Excited to work today huh?" Jaebum asked. He needed to make sure he had everything he needed to bring before walking out the door, though Jinyoung seemed to be in quite the rush.

"No, just-..." Jinyoung paused, looking down at the floor. He seemed a bit shy, which only made him look cuter. "...I think I made a lot of friends the other night. I wanna see them again..."

Jaebum was caught by surprise by the statement. He felt his heart leap from the news, a smile working its way onto his face. Jaebum nodded, quickly getting himself ready to go. "Okay, then let's go see them."

Jinyoung nearly skipped the whole way down to the lobby, which was fun to watch from Jaebum's perspective. He's seen Jinyoung this excited only a few times, and he was so glad that now he'd be able to see him this way more often.

"Hi Youngjae!" Jinyoung greeted as they passed the security guard's desk on the way out the door.

"Hi Jinyoung." Youngjae waved back, watching him go before turning to Jaebum with raised brows. "He's excited, hm?"

Jaebum chuckled, glancing over at the other who was waiting outside the glass entrance doors. "He's happy."

"That's nice. So, you think the little 'get together' the other day worked?" Youngjae asked.

Jaebum nodded. Surely it worked well enough to get Jinyoung in such an energetic mood that he hadn't been in for a while. "I think so. I'm glad it did."

"Come on Jaebum let's be early today." Jinyoung whined through the door, hurrying him along.

"Coming!" He replied, glancing back at Youngjae who wore a smug smile before walking off. "Later Youngjae."

Youngjae waved them off, giving Jaebum a wink which in response the elder rolled his eyes. He knew what Youngjae was silently suggesting, and though the thought made his heart happy, he didn't want to get too invested in any feelings towards Jinyoung. At least, not yet.

The two headed down the sidewalk in the direction of the cafe, deciding to walk quickly since it was a bit chilly that morning. They didn't talk much, as there was nothing really to talk about, but they'd grown close enough for the silence between them to be comfortable, both content with just the presence of one another.

Jaebum snuck himself glances of Jinyoung a few times here and there, just because it was difficult to keep his eyes away despite his effort to think about something other than the angel's beauty. He felt as if he'd become a bit obsessed nowadays, which was an odd feeling that would surely make Jinyoung uncomfortable if he found out. But he hated when Jinyoung would do things that would make that obsession grow stronger; cute things or funny things, sometimes just existing was enough for Jaebum's heart to start pounding rapidly. It was quite irritating, and it almost seemed as if Jinyoung would do it on purpose. Just as Jaebum would focus his mind on something else, there Jinyoung was, dragging his attention back to him.

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