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"There's nothing here..." Jaebum mumbled as he finished reading the very last document after hours of sifting through that large pile.

"Yeah..." Youngjae agreed, scratching the back of his head.

Jaebum sighed, running a hand down his face. "I think we were too hopeful..."

"Well, I did find some history to the relationship between humans and angel's..." Youngjae stated as he picked up a piece of paper that he'd set aside earlier.

Jaebum raised a brow, his eyes glancing curiously at the paper. "Yeah? Does that help at all?"

"Um... I guess not really..." Youngjae replied, immediately crushing Jaebum's useless hopes. "But, it says that angel's getting too invested with human life can cause them to act out of accordance, extending or shortening a life as they please, which could cause chaos amongst the human world."

That all sounded too familiar. Jaebum suddenly remembered Jinyoung's crime that caused him his punishment. "That's... what Jinyoung tried to do..."

Youngjae nodded, slowly setting the paper back down. "Yeah so... I guess the reasoning for keeping the two worlds separate is understandable."

"But... even still, Jinyoung is powerless. He wouldn't be able to use his powers for anything since he's stripped of them in the first place." Jaebum argued.

Youngjae shook his head, countering the elder's point. "Remember, being on Earth was his temporary punishment. He was meant to eventually go back to Heaven and regain his rights and powers. So if he wanted you to live longer, then he could make that happen. But humans and angel's have different lifespans for their respective reasons, all we can do is respect what had been naturally set in place."

Jaebum tried to make sense of it all, but it was too much to think about, so much went over his head. "This is all so complicated... angles have control over life, yet they don't?"

"All of the complications and seemingly contradictory laws is exactly why we have rules set in place. Not following them can result in catastrophe, which is what everyone's trying to avoid..." Youngjae explained.

"So, how can me and Jinyoung be together without fucking up like... everything?" Jaebum asked.

Youngjae shrugged. "That's the answer we're looking for, right?"

"Right... and we've found nothing..." Jaebum complained while loosely gesturing to the pile of useless documents. He let out a loud groan, practically on the verge of a hissy fit. "God, I miss him!"

"He's okay, Jaebum." Youngjae assured, patting the elder's back for comfort.

"We don't know that for sure. I just want him here next to me, and I want him to cuddle me, and kiss me all sweet like he usually does so I can finally sleep well after all this bullshit." Jaebum complained, grabbing a throw pillow to hide his face in.

"I'm... sorry..." Youngjae mumbled, feeling a bit useless while Jaebum agonized without his lover.

"You've been a great help, stop apologizing." Jaebum replied, letting out a long heavy breath into his pillow before finally lifting his face from it. "All we can do is keep searching. Maybe we overlooked something."

"Wanna switch piles and start from the beginning?" Youngjae suggested.

"Sure" Jaebum nodded, determined to try his hardest to find something that could save Jinyoung and their relationship.


Jinyoung looked up, feeling cold, golden shackles around his wrist and ankles. He had no idea how much time had passed by. The first thought that ran through his head was if Jaebum was okay.

He knew he was back in Heaven. He could feel the energy of it, and recognized the carved golden accents that were literally put on everything, even his own handcuffs. He was dressed in robes again that now felt weird and unfamiliar. He suddenly craved his favorite pair of jeans and Jaebum's sweater that he wore all the time since it smelled like him.

He felt a bit drowsy, the last thing he remembered was being stolen out of his bed in the middle of the night, but after that was a blank. Looking around, he realized he was locked somewhere; detained in a cell only big enough for him to walk a few steps here and there.

Suddenly the loud sound of metal against metal startled him, the door to the cage he was trapped in suddenly opening.

A large winged man stepped through, staring down at Jinyoung's curled up body. "Siros class angel Park Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung squinted up at him, slowly nodding his head. It's been forever since the last time he'd been addressed that way. He'd been away from home for so long.

The winged man stepped aside, clearing Jinyoung's path to the exit. "The Council will see you now."

Jinyoung sat up, blinking in confusion. "Th-The council?"

"Yes. Please step out of your cage." The winged guard requested.

Jinyoung stood to his wobbly feet, his face full of confusion. "But... why? I've... never met the council."

"You have to face them now to discuss... your crimes." The guard explained, gesturing to the exit.

Jinyoung felt a chill run down his spine. So he was facing his own judgement, huh. He'd always been on the other side, deciding whether a person had made the right or wrong choices. Now it was his turn, and he was terrified, but there was nothing else he could do besides step out of his cage and be lead to the chamber of the council that would decide his fate.


(*i think I'll start updating everyday~ ^^*)

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