May I have this dance?

Start from the beginning

King Jem, the present ruler of Idris, owned the small dukedom Adamant, in the east of Idris and will sit on the throne only until the next transition of power, due in three months. Then, the current seven-year term will end and the crown will be handed over to the next family and that would be Alec's. However, Alec didn't think Jem Carstairs would commission someone to murder him. The man was old and such a peaceful soul, Alec couldn't imagine him being behind the attempt on his life.

"And finally, there is my brother Will," Jace said, pulling Alec from his thoughts.

"No, I don't believe it would involve your brother either, even though he would have the most reasonable motivation in view of the ruler's order."

"You mean, it would be too obvious?"

Alec nodded in agreement. In case something happens to him, Jace's family would be the next in the throne after his'.

"Who else is on your list, Jace?"

"Well, there are a lot of other families, who come into question, but they are from lower nobility only: Belcourt, Santiago, Vérac, Fairchild, just to name a few of them."

Alec rubbed his face with his right palm in frustration. It was like an endless circle. How could they find who was behind this?

"And needless to say, the rest of Idris's population. In principle, everyone could come into consideration. How can we tell that it was even a politically motivated act? I mean, what would be their benefit by sweeping me out of the way? Ruling over Idris alone would mean that they have to eliminate all families of the five dukedoms," Alec thought aloud.

"Mmm...," Jace hummed in agreement. "Are there any upset lovers you haven't told me about yet?"

Alec snorted, giving his best friend an irritated look.

"What?" Jace asked. " You obviously don't know what someone can be capable of when it comes to love."

"Speaking from personal experience, huh?" Alec asked, raising an eyebrow sceptically.

The limousine came to a stop before Jace could answer his question and the doors opened. Alec got out of the car, waiting for Jace next to the limousine. In less than five seconds, his best friend was standing beside him.

"Alec, you do know that I'm your bodyguard and that I'm responsible for your safety, right?"

Alec looked a little bewildered at Jace.

"Uhm, yeah?"

"Right okay, then next time maybe let me scan the crowd and survey the perimeter first before you get out of the car."

Alec could feel the heat of a light blush crawling up his cheeks.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking," Alec muttered quietly.

Jace nodded towards Alec, signalling that it was safe for him to move, letting Alec go ahead of him, Jace kept a watchful eye on the crowd and surrounding area.

Welcomed by a flurry of photographer's flashing lights and whirring noises of their cameras, he and Jace walked down the red carpet which led to the entrance of the King's luxurious mansion. Journalists from all over the globe were standing behind the barrier tape on the left and right, hoping to get an exclusive photo of the elite and prestigious guests. Alec ignored the press' questions which rained down on him, walking to the entrance at a smart pace.

Alec breathed out a sigh of relief once they finally entered the building. Oh, how much Alec would rather be at home, relaxing on his couch, reading a fascinating book, but instead, he will have to put up with the snobbish demeanour of Idris's noble society tonight. Being invited by the King himself this time, which means, unless he was lying on his deathbed, he had no other choice but to attend the ball. Besides, it was a good opportunity to see whether the unknown assassin's commissioner would be here. Maybe the person, they were looking for would cause some unwanted attention by acting without due consideration; Jace was hoping for that at least.

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