Chapter Twelve

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Would You Be So Kind- Dodie
"And then my father yelled at me! Can you believe that?!"
Some days after Narcisa had come to stay at the palace, Roman was perched on a pier that stretched out onto a lake, one which was conveniently close to their willow tree. He was kicking his legs back and forth like a kid, venting while Virgil sat beside him and laughed a little at his misfortune. The sunny day had lifted both of the boys' moods, and they were out enjoying the pleasant weather— and each other's company.

"No way, I totally expected the heartless monster to take your side on this one," Virgil commented, voice dripping with sarcasm. Roman narrowed his eyes and gave him a playful shove.
However, the angel didn't account for Virgil's small size and thus, the demon splashed into the algae coated water with a yelp of shock from the sudden cold.
Roman doubled over with laughter when the demon resurfaced, a look of utter defeat plain on his face and his violet bangs laying flat against his forehead, soaked. The angel was no longer laughing when Virgil reached out, grabbed hold of his ankle and pulled him in, too. Roman let out a dramatic cry when he emerged from the depths of the lake, and clung to the edge of the pier.

"Unfair! Yes, I pushed you in, but that was an accident!"

"Yeah, right, we're even now, Princey."

Soon, they had both hauled themselves back onto the wooden pier. Roman was stretched out on his back, pouting and blinking water from his eyes, while Virgil picked algae out of his own violet hair.

"Never again," Roman groaned, "am I going swimming unprepared."

"That's what you think," Virgil snarked, crossing his arms and grinning coquettishly up at the angel, who gave him an offended look.

"Is that a threat, emo?" He said, sitting up straight and then leaning back on his palms. Virgil shrugged.

"Maybe. Maybe not. You'll be the last to know," the demon replied, and stuck his tongue out at Roman, who was about to come up with a good retort when he was cut off by the sound of an approaching person.

"This is where you ran off to, Roman?"
A nasally voice called. Virgil heard the swish of a gown and glanced up to see a girl stepping onto the pier and drawing closer. She sat in front of the pair, ebony hair billowing behind her.

"Well obviously," Virgil muttered, making the prince beside him snicker. The angel girl raised an eyebrow, pale gaze flicking from Roman to the demon beside him. She wrinkled her nose at him like she had smelled something foul, which was actually plausible considering algae doesn't usually smell like something out of a febreeze comercial.

"Who are you?" She hissed at him accusingly, eyes narrowing and looking him up and down.

"This is my friend, Virgil," Roman answered for him, voice flat. The angel girl rolled her eyes.

"Your daddy said you had taken pity on a demon but goodness—" her gaze landed on Virgil again, "that's a lot of pity," she sneered. Virgil was bristling already, but forced his face to stay cold and inexpressive. Her words jabbed at all the right places, too, making his insecurities bleed.
Had Roman really become his friend out of pity? He shook the thought away, Virgil was technically the one using him anyway...
The demon stopped that train of thought sharply, feeling guilt overwhelming him.

"Are you here just to bother us? Or do you have anything important to mention, unlike normal?" Roman asked the stranger, instinctively inching closer to Virgil in a protective manner, which made the demon's pale features flush pink, "did you really fly all the way out here for nothing?"

"Of course not," she growled, brushing her fine hair with her fingertips, "your father told me to retrieve you for dinner, and he's not invited."
The angel girl gave a glare at Virgil as she finished her sentence, eyes shooting daggers at his own.
Virgil finally had had enough, and got up, shoving past the angel, who scoffed at him.
Roman called out for him to come back, but the demon kept his eyes on the tree line and promptly dissolved into the woods, flexing his newly-healed wings to prepare for flight.

"Goodness, what a nuisance."

Virgil whipped around at the sound, immediately finding himself face to face with Dee.

"Were— were you spying on us?!" He accused him, already having been rubbed the wrong way and on the last bit of patience he possessed. Dee feigned offense and then chuckled.

"I wasn't doing anything of the sort," he replied, "however I did happen to notice how Narcisa seems to get in the way of our plans just perfectly, doesn't she?"
Virgil just crossed his arms and looked puzzled.
"She is Roman's fiancée after all..."

"Fiancée?" Virgil echoed, dropping his arms, shellshocked. He tried to ignore the twinge of jealousy that worked its way into his gut.

"Oh yes, but if she keeps driving a wedge in between you two, then we won't have you to keep an eye on the royal family for us anymore," he sighed, pacing slowly, "what a shame..."
Virgil just stared numbly at him as he flapped his dark wings and took off, heading in the direction of the village. The demon let out a huff and followed, unsure of what else to do with himself.

When the two entered the house, he could faintly hear laughter coming from the living room, and while Dee disappeared back to the outside, probably off on more 'business', Virgil headed to investigate.
He peered around the corner to see Logan and— was that Patton? Anyway, the pair were playing what looked like chess on the rug by the fireplace, which crackled and cast pale shadows on the walls. Patton appeared to be telling some kind of story while Logan listened, his head resting in his palm and his eyes fixated on the angel in front of him, a little smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Virgil had never seen Logan look so... real. The man had always been somewhat of a robot to everyone he met, and yet here he was, making heart eyes at an angel servant.
Virgil fought off a grin and returned to his room. If an odd couple like them could work out, perhaps he could dare to dream about his own hopeless relationship.

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