Guess whos back

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Mister sandman
Bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
Give him two lips like roses and clover
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
-The Choirdettes, mister sandman

Stan went to school with El and Will like usual and what he saw when he went to the losers' meeting place hit him like a ton of bricks. He saw Bev and Bill making out. Stan felt tears spring to his eyes but didn't let them fall. He put on a fake happy face as they approached.

Bill and Bev pulled away once they heard Will, El, and Stan walk up. Stan stayed silent as El and Bev had a conversation. El was being passive aggressive towards Bill and Bev but if they noticed they didn't say anything.

The bell rang and Will and Stan walked to class together. Stan was still silent. "Stan are you ok?" Will asked and Stan nodded flashing his infamous fake smile. "Just tired" Stan said as his excuse and surprisingly Will believed him.

At third period El could tell there was something up with Stan. She tried talking to him about it but he wouldn't open up. It's as if he's trapped inside a glass box that only one person has the key to. That person being Bill Denbrough.

At lunch Stan was the first one there for once. Beverly came and sat across from him. "I know you're secret" she said bluntly.
"Wh-what secret?" Stan asked. "I know you have feelings for Bill" she said. "N-no I don't" Stan said and he could feel his mouth go dry and his throat tighten. "Mike heard your and El's whole conversation dumb ass don't fucking lie" Beverly said. "He'll never like you. You're just some scrawny little nobody, so the next time you try and steal my boyfriend remember this: Bill. Will. Not. Like. You. Ever." Bev finished right as El and Bill walked up to the table. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Stan said as he choked back tears.

Stan ran to the bathroom and locked himself inside a stall. He immediately started sobbing. He couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Stan heard someone walk into the bathroom and he went silent.


"Get out of the boys' bathroom El"

"There's no one else in here. What happened?" El asked. "B-Bev knows" Stan said. "Knows about what?" El asked. "About me liking Bill" Stan said and if he weren't behind a locked door El would've given him the biggest hug. "How?" she asked. "Mike" Stan said. El was furious. "He over heard us I guess and he told Beverly" Stan said.

The bell rang and it was time to go to sixth period. "I'll see you after school Stan" El said and he nodded as they walked out of the bathroom.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Stan avoided everyone, especially Bev and Bill.

El, Will, and Stan walked home and when they walked inside they were greeted by Joyce and Jonathan. Stan smiled a real smile for the first time that day. He loved feeling like he was apart of a real family even though he felt like he was intruding at times.

The family had a game night and just overall had a lot of fun. Stan went to sleep that night in the guest bedroom which was pretty much his bedroom by now. He had just felt so happy with his new family but something in the back of his mind knew he didn't belong there. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between him and Bev at lunch.

Stan felt exhausted but he knew that sleep would not come easy to him tonight.

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