Chapter 24. Acknowledging Mistakes

Start from the beginning

"Red blood?" Herobrine tilted his head, a confused but cold look on his face.

"You forget. If I want to lose the Head Watcher status, I can." Head Watcher.... Kyle... Kryos said. God, we gave him quite a few names.

"That action is weak. You're weak." Herobrine scowled. Kyros shook his head, disappointed

"No. I'm not the weak one here." He threw a sword (not his main) at Herobrine. The other man twisted out of the way, surprised on his face. Though Kyros was in pain, he stepped forward. He ignored Doc's warning to stop, glaring at the legend in front of him.

"Giving up addicting power is not a weak thing to do. Especially when you've been depending on it since the early days." Kyros declared.

"Then how did you?"

"Died. Perma-death. It shows you your mistakes in life. And I realized mine too late."

"Which was...?"

"Supporting you." Kyros threw the stone sword that Doc tripped over at Herobrine. Herobrine flung it back to Kyros, making him drop to the floor. He kept shooting at Kyros, who dodged every shot.

"Notch was right." Kyros said, flipping over a beam of magic. "You really are predictable."

"The admins are right." Herobrine started, wrinkling his nose. "You really are a piece of-" Xanthus knocked Herobrine in the back of his head with a diamond hoe.

"Not in my server." Xanthus growled, which is ironic because technically Herobrine rules this area of Minecraft. Xisuma shook his head, seemingly disappointed.

"Who wasted two diamonds on a hoe?" Cub called out. Some people smiled, but no one said anything. I gave Doc a healing potion. He put his arm around my neck using me for support to walk, We started walking over in the shadows to the group of Hermits that had started to cluster.

I watched as Herobrine tried to stab Xanthus, but then realized he was already dead. Xanthus face palmed.

"If I can't feel pain when you stab me, but you get affected when I hit you, why didn't I just keep trying to kill you? You can't do anything to me anyway." Xanthus said, thinking out loud. Herobrine scoffed. Xanthus ran a hand through his tied hair. It was stained with a hint of red, purple, and golden blood now.

Taking that distraction, Kyros started to run. He ran towards one specific person. Herobrine whipped around, narrowing his eyes at the former Watcher. He sent blasts of magic at him, trying to stop him. He also fended from the Hermits who attacked. Kyros avoided most of the blasts, only getting hit by a few.

Kyros approached Notch, who looked at him through suspicious eyes. Kyros unknotted the restraints on his wrists, dropping the rope to the floor. He looked to the next closest admin to him. It was Biffa, but he would have to avoid Herobrine's shots again.

Notch realized the problem, and blasted Herobrine into another wall again. Xanthus dove out of the way. The wall Herobrine was thrown into was farther back, giving Kyros more time.

As Kyros sprinted as fast as he could, Doc and I have made it to the group. Xisuma and Grian were there. Other Hermits were trying to get the ropes off, but they couldn't.

I guess Kyros is a quick runner. He was already making his way towards Steve, who looked pale from the ropes. Herobrine stood up, but was blasted again by Biffa. This time, he was thrown into the ceiling. Biffa smirked, watching Herobrine fall back down to the floor with a loud and satisfying thud.

Kyros somehow appeared next to me, making me yelp and jump back.

"Where did you come from?" I gasped, putting a hand to my chest.

"I'm a quick runner." Kyros replied, smirking and starting to untie Xisuma's hands.

"You know, that was stupid." Xanthus said, looking at Kyros who was next to him.

"Which part?" Kyros asked.

"When you dove to take the arrow for Doc." Xanthus responded, crossing his arms. Kyros dropped the ropes to the floor. Everyone gawked at him, as they couldn't get those ropes off.

"But I proved that I can indeed time things correctly, unlike what you said earlier." He turned to Xanthus.

"How." Xanthus said, monotone.

"It's hard to launch yourself in that exact place at that exact time hitting that exact spot. Too early, I'd look like an idiot, miss, and it'd hit Doc. Or, it'd impale my head or shoulder. If I was too late, I'd look like an idiot, miss, and it'd hit Doc also. Or, it'd impale my leg."

"Why would you want it to hit your side?"

"Because it's easier to heal."

"Wait, stop, hold on, time out." Grian said, holding his tied wrists in a t-shape as best as he could.

"You two know each other? You aren't like... hating each other?"

"Yeah." Xanthus said shortly. Kyros chuckled, taking the ropes off of Grian's wrists.

"Um, sorry about these. I had to make sure Herobrine wasn't suspicious of me, as he was getting to that point when I didn't kill anyone." Before anyone could say anything in response, a loud explosion sounded across the room. Steve and Notch were fighting Herobrine.

"Guys, you know what would be helpful? More people-!" Steve started, before diving out of the way. Everyone started to spread out, preparing for what they hoped would be the last fight.

"Doc, you're injured."

"I'll be fine." He insisted, walking again. He winced as he put pressure on his foot. I frowned at him.

"Use your trident or a bow. You're only going to inflame it more if you keep walking." Doc wrinkled his nose.

"Fine." He took his bow and trident out. I nodded, heading into the fight for another time.

Hopefully, this will be the last one with Herobrine. Hopefully, we will finish him once and for all.

(1649 words)

(yeet, definitely more chapters than the other one. if i did my math correctly, then there should be over 30 chapters <3)

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