Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest

Start from the beginning

"You can do this" Kathryn tells herself with her jumper still in her hand.

She takes her time taking off her pyjamas and puts on the grey joggers and a white cropped jumper.

"You're nearly done" Kathryn keeps telling herself to keep going because she knows if she stops even just for a moment then her body will seize up and she won't be able to move, think or breath.

She pulls herself back up off the bed and goes over to her wardrobe and pulls out one of the drawers to get out a pair of white ankle socks. She then looks down at her shoes at the bottom of the wardrobe knowing this was going to hurt like hell. She holds onto her stomach and bends over picking up her white converse trainers.

"Ahhhh" Kathryn yells as she stands herself back up. She clenches her teeth together trying to get through the pain before stumbling back over to the bed. She pulls her left leg up close to her chest so she can get her sock on then slides on her shoe, She does the same with the right leg. She looks to her clock and sees 5.52pm. She leans over the bed and picks up her phone with her shaky hands.

"We're on our way, what ever you do don't let any one else into your room." Ella informs Kathryn through a text message

"I've got the key in the key hole so no one can get in. Knock and say your name so i know to open the door." Kathryn texts back to Ella before unzipping the pocket of her joggie bottoms and putting her phone into it. She can hear people constantly walking past her door heading to supper.She feels her her phone vibrate from her pocket so checks to see who it could be.

"Hey me and Jesse are going to stop by before heading to supper, Let nurse Glaydes know" Alice texts Kathryn.

Kathryn quickly starts messaging Alice back.

" Hey Alice, Sorry i'm not feeling up to visitors just now. It's been a really long day so the doctor thinks i should just sleep the rest of it off" Kathryn responds hoping that her friend will not only believe her but see the message on time.

"Aww i'm sorry to hear, I was looking forward to seeing you" Alice replies to her message which makes Kathryn feel guilty. 

"You can come by tomorrow" Kathryn suggests to her friend not knowing if there will be a tomorrow. 

"Sounds good, Hope you feel better soon" Alice hopes

Kathryn shakes her head hating the fact that she is lying to not only her best friend but also her boyfriend and her father. She puts her phone back in her pocket and zips it up, She looks down and sees her wound on her stomach. She lifts up her jumper and pulls off the bandaging to have a peak at the wound, she screws up her face at the disgusting sight then begins to gag at the smell. She holds her hand over her mouth and tries to get herself up off the bed for the third time, she attempts to run to the bathroom but ends up throwing up blood all over the toilet and sink, she takes toilet roll and wipes her mouth hoping none of it fell onto her jumper. She looks at the mess of the bathroom and sighs knowing she needs to clean it up, She leans over the sink making sure she doesn't touch any of the blood and looks at herself in the mirror.

"God i look like death" She tells herself as she looks at her reflection, she no longer saw the person she used to be. She was different. She hears a knock at her door and turns her head to look at the direction. 

"It's Ella and Danny" Ella Informs Kathryn from behind the door.

Kathryn slowly makes her way to the door and unlocks it, she opens it slightly allowing for them to squeeze themselves in.

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