"Wow" it was a lifelong room of information about her father. Things not even she knew about.

"Hi" says a young man.

"Er... hello?" J says back.

"It's a lot ain't it. The Doctor, the man who saved worlds. Yet destroys a lot in the process." He half laughs.

"Umm... yeah. I mean, she.. he was only doing what he thought was right. Plus he saved more people than anything else." She says defending her father's name.

"True, very true. But still... destroyed and killed a lot of people. The Doctor is supposed to be a hero yet he is more a villain than anything else." He says turning to her.

"How dare you. Absolutely not. I would say he is pretty much a hero to those who look up to him. But a villain? Absolutely not. He tries his best to always help when he can. That there is a man who doesn't want to see any more wars." She crosses her arms.

He just smiles awkwardly at her.

"Who are you?" She asks the young man.

"Oh... you want to know? Well what's your name first?" He asks.

"J, I'm J" she says.

"Right... okay Well J, I'm Nayth. And look on the country I love the Doctor, I look up to him. Well do, did? it's sad he's now gone." He says his hand out to shake hers.

"Hm. So why do You say all that?" She wonders.

"If you are found to 'like' or 'support' the Doctor they kill you." He says in a low voice.

"WIT?" She yells.

"Shhh" he places his finger on her lips and her eyes widen. "Or they will come back. One was listing"

"Never... ever... ever... do that again." She says annoyed at him. "And what is that smell" she scorched her nose.

"Oh, I had Pickled slugs." He tells her.

"Ewwww" she says makes a dramatic gag motion.

Nayth rolls his eyes. "Stop. Look follow me" he tells her.

"Don't give me that look. If you want me to tell you more follow." And she does she follows him.

They get to a closet type area "There is no cameras here" she rolls her eyes and goes in to her surprise it's bigger than a closet in fact it's a full room.

"Right well?" She wonders.

"Okay, so this place is super screwed someone has put a virus in the Robots. So if you mention The Doctor or actually anything related to someone who helped anyone you are dead. If you even say or pretend to be someone they take you to a room. And you wait there hours before they randomly kill you." He says.

"Wait what? That means they took my family they followed the Robot." She panics.

"Well who did they say they were?" He wonders.

"No my dad said he was The Doctor."

"That is not good. Not good at all" the young man says.

"Worse she is The Doctor" the young man looks confused.

"Long story. But he didn't die. Not really" she says. "We need to help them."

"Okay, lucky that is why I'm here to find out how to stop the virus and put this place back to normal they killed a couple last week, because they wanted to find out if they could leave a tour early." He shakes his head and goes over to computers. "This is the control room. Where all the cameras are So" he starts to type stuff in.

13th Doctor OneShots S2Where stories live. Discover now