Sweet like Ice Cream, Sour like Evil

Start from the beginning

Ace and Neo walk into the shop as they head up to the front. A girl waits for them.

Girl: Hey there! What can I get him two?

Ace and Neo: A Neapolitan Ice Cream. *both look at each other oddly*

Girl: Aww, you too look cute together. Two Neapolitan's, coming right up!

The girl heads to the back as Ace and Neo take a seat to wait for their treats.

Neo: So, What were you doing just walking among the streets? It's not coincidental that you just knew I was in trouble.

Ace: Well...I was taking some time off. Clearing my mind if you would.

Neo: Oh...did something happen? If you don't want to talk about it, That's fine.

Ace looks down as he thinks about Toriel and Asgore, before he looks back at Neo.

Ace: I...um, had some people that were like family unfortunately pass away. I needed time to take it all in.

Neo: *frowns* Oh...I'm sorry for your loss...

Ace: I appreciate your sympathy. It's something that is tricky to deal with. A wave of emotions as many would say.

The girl return with their Ice cream and hands them to Neo and Ace. They both pay as the girl thanks them and returns to the counter.

Neo: When you say, "Like family" do you actually have a family?

Ace: Well yes...But that's a story of another time, cause that's tricky on it's own front.

Ace licks his ice cream as Neo slightly giggles as Ace looks at her with confusion.

Ace: What's up?

Neo: Sorry, but someone as sweet as you dealing with a loss that heavy, it's surprising that you have kept it together.

Ace chuckles a little from this remark as they finish their treats and head out of the store. Neo looks at her watch as she turns to Ace.

Neo: I've gotta head back to work. I'll see you around Ace!

Ace: See you around.

The both nod as the walk in opposite directions, Neo as a small blush on her face as Ace smiles. Ace returns to the shuttles and takes a ride back to Beacon. He walks off the shuttle as he notices three people, two limping for very severe injuries as the third tries to help them. Ace recognizes the backs of two of them, Qrow's sword and Ravens hair, but the third he's unfamiliar with.

Ace: What are they doing here?

Ace walks a towards them as Qrow looks over his shoulder and whispers something to the blonde girl next to them. She simply nods as Ace walks in front of them and halts the three.

Ace: Well, this is a surprise to see you two return. I'd thought we were done.

Qrow: Kid...this isn't the time for that...ack!

Qrow falls to the ground along with Raven, as the blonde girl kneels down and tries to help them up. Her tears seem genuine as she looks at Ace.

 Her tears seem genuine as she looks at Ace

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???: Can you please get help...I have to help them.

Ace nods and runs inside, to which he sees Ozpin and calls for him.

Ace: Ozpin!

Ozpin looks over and walks up to Ace with his cup of infinite coffee in one hand.

Ozpin: Master Ace, is something wrong?

Ace: We need the medical team stat! Qrow and Raven are here, and they're severely injured. Plus, they have a woman with them.

Ozpin looks with concern as he opens his scroll and calls the paramedics. He looks outside as he sees the woman kneeling next to them as he looks with shock.

Ozpin: No...it can't be!

Ozpin rushes outside with the paramedics behind him. RWBY comes running with Crystal and Lily with them.

Ruby: What's going on?!

Yang: What!s happen to Qrow and Raven?!

Ace: No idea, but it seems serious.

The group head outside as the paramedics tend to Qrow and Raven as the woman looks with surprise at Ozpin.

???: Oz...you've changed a lot.

Ozpin: Salem...how and why are you here?

Ace: Salem?! She's...a lot different than the stories she's depicted in.

Ruby and Yang rush to Qrow and Raven to talk to them, while Blake and Weiss look with suprise. Ace shake's his head in disbelief as he walks to Qrow.

Qrow: Kiddo... please we need to talk.

Ace: Qrow... answer me a question.

Raven: What is it?

Ace: When I fought against you back then...were you two holding back?

Qrow and Raven look at each other and sigh before Qrow responds.

Qrow: Yes...we were, Tai wasn't.

Raven: We held back so we could get you back.

Ace: Holding back against someone you want back doesn't work. But consider this feud over...

Qrow: Wait...you mean that...

Ace: Qrow don't get me wrong, we will never be family, but we are only comrades, nothing more. Your not forgiven for what you did to me, but consider your burden slightly lifted.

Ace stands and walks back into the school as Crystal and Lily follow him. The others look at him with surprise as Raven sighs.

Raven: I guess...were closer than we expected.

Qrow: Don't count your chickens too soon....[I'm sorry Ace...I just want to be family again.]

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