To say goodbye

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I do not remember well when the army had come, or when iroh came with the avatar, but it was all in vain. The red lotus army had placed a knife to my throat, and there was little korra could do. They had yet to move from my spot in the courtyard, as if frightened I would spring into action if they moved me or my brothers corpse. Part of me screamed to run, that I needed to save the others, yet it felt like all I could do was clutch terris dead body, what was wrong with me...
"I am sorry Scarlett, I told them not to let terris come" mr. Vertoni said, he was more worried that I was broken, if only they would take terris away from me, yet they left me surrounded in the smoke.
You must fight, if you do not then those who came to help you will die, look left child, you MUST fight. A clear voice rang in my head, taiyang must have gathered the rest of her strength to talk to me. I rooked left to see Wendy on her knees, they would not fight unless the man removed the blade, I stared at her gray eyes, they looked so clear in the light. I knew what I had to do, by the spirits I knew. I glanced at Wendy one last time,

"I'm sorry" I mouthed, her eyes widened... Let's go home together taiyang
Wendy pov.
I stared in horror as she told me she was sorry.

"YOU CANT YOU PROMISED ME" I screamed, a soldier raised his to silence me, but mr. Vertoni stopped him
"Wendy, what did Scarlett promise, we don't want her to die now do we" he told, I stopped screaming, and glared at him.

"You fool, it is too late, she has sold her soul to the spirits" I hissed at him, he opened his mouth, as if to warn the others, what was coming, but it was too late. Team avatar stared in horror as waves of flames bathed around us, killing the soldiers who had threatened us. The smell of burning flesh was thick in air, causing me to gag. Tears blinded my eyes as I looked upon my sister. Her hair and eyes had turned to a burning golden color. Fire surged effortlessly from taiyang's hand, her eyes looked coldly on the army she had taken on.

"wendy, what has happened, what is this" Korra called out to me. I slowly turned my gaze to her, feeling such dread upon my soul.

"she has given her soul to the sun, there is no turning back now" I murmured, Korra's eyes widened with horror upon heating my words. I turned by gaze back to scarlet, I now noticed that her scars had begun to glow with heat, taiyang was going to take my sister with her. I was the last of the kaishi blood line. I felt the flames wave upon my face. The screams of the men meant nothing to me. 

"this is bad, we must do something" bolin said, did they not hear my words, it was over now.

taiyangs pov.

the men were screaming as I turned their bodies to dust. It was the flow of the sun that empowered me now, but it felt good to feed upon scarrlets hate for these people. I aimed for the benders who tried to fight me, but I was a full blown spirit now, and the scent of blood was ever so delightful. The land around me was soon a blacked field of ash and blood. I let a few men go, to spread the word, this would be a heavy blow for them. I turned my gaze back to team avatar. They seemed shocked at this sudden turn of events. I flowed downward to meet them, these people had shown me kindness, they deserved something.

"for helping me go home I shall give all of you a gift." I looked at the brothers and asmai, "for you I give time to old family" I said, then opened the gate of the dead. the boys and asmai seemed shocked at their parents sudden arrival. I turned to the avatar, "for you I give memories, in my past lifetimes I have known many avatars, my this help you on your path to reconnection with the past lives" korra stared at me shock as I delivered her the memories. with time and patience she should be able to fix what was lost. I looked over to Wendy, I had a special gift for her. "for you, if you ever need me, or your sister. since she has given her soul to me, I have a bond. when you need it most, simply ask" I handed her the red necklace that her sister wore. I felt the spirits calling me home. it was time to see the light once again.

the world is full of choices and actions, so when the time came for the world to act, it chose those who would act well. by following our hearts and believing in the light we can not see the world shall be ours. we have divided our selves with race, countries, and religion. but if those walls are broken down and turned to dust, the impossible is achieved. there can be, and should be, no limit to what we can achieve. the world is ours for the taking, all we must do, is act - the end

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