A good bone

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My feet dragged against the road, Asami was holding my hand. She had forced me to go shopping. I had only been shopping when I was little, so this brought back vivid memories. Had I been alone I would have cried. Asami seemed very intent on giving me every thing she could buy. It was a good day for her, I only got a few trinkets. We did not get to go to gym, but she took me to see to a match.

"so many rules" I say, shocked at the fairness of the game.

"You really play street bending, it's outlawed here, to many people got hurt" she said. I raised an eyebrow. Thinking back on it I hurt a lot of people.

"I was pretty good, the three on ones were my favorite" I said, even the best players had refused to go solo when I was in the cage. Asami looked at me, she seemed to be confused.

"What's the point of a three on one, the person by them-self doesn't stand a chance. It seem cruel." She said, she thought I was going against one person.

"No, no, no. I was the single player, I went against three people" I said quickly, suddenly wanting to change the subject. Luckily, she saw that I was uncomfortable and dropped it. The match ended quickly, and I didn't feel like shopping any more.

"Just wondering, who gave that necklace, you seem to fondle it when you get nervous." She said, I snatched my hand down. The fire drop was exposed, I placed in my shirt. She had no idea what this necklace could do.

"My father gave it to me, he said his grandfather had found it. My grandfather used to tell so many stories about the dai lei, and the avatar" I said, I suppose I would fondle it, considering what it did. At least she didn't see my scars. Those would take a long time to explain.

"Really, I don't see my father anymore, but I don't what I would do if he was dead." She said. We had a few things in common.

"Let's go back, I had fun to day" I lied, hoping the rest of the day would be better.


"Scarlett, Scarlett, guess what" Wendy raced up to meet me. I smiled at her, at lest she was happy.

"What" I asked, wondering what had made her so happy.

"Bolin taught me how to swim, he did, just like daddy would talk about the large lakes he would swim in. Remember" she explained joyfully. I watched her go with just a sad feeling in my gut. Bolin had done something I couldn't manage. I set off right away to find him. Asami followed me, not saying a word as I approached bolin. He was with the avatar and mako. When bolin saw me coming, he looked nervous. Maybe he thought I would be angry. Korra began to look a bit worried. Mako simply stared at me with blank accusing eyes.

"Bolin, I got a bone to pick with you" I called out to him, I probably could have been less direct, oh well.

"What ever I did I'm sorry" he called out, shielding his face in case I hit him. I chuckled at that.

"Relax, it's a good bone" I said, but before he could reply I grabbed his shoulders. "Bolin you made her smile, a smile out of happiness. You have no idea how long it's been since I've seen her that happy. For the first time since the incident she has a light in her eyes. Thank you bolin, thank you" what ever they thought I was going to say, this was not it. Bolin couldn't help but smile at me. Looks like to day was a good day. Yet my happiness had blinded me from the danger, from the chilling sensation that hung at my bosom.


The room was beginning to grow on me, yet some how it was more of a home with Wendy grinning from ear to ear. She was setting up the pai sho board. She was an okay player, if she went up against asami I don't think she would win. I still wanted to grab the red tile that once lived in my pocket. Once all the pieces were in place she glared at me.

"You better play fair, don't you dare go easy on me" she said, I rolled my eyes, getting ready for a close game. She was going to win of course.

"Of course I will, do you like it here" I asked, letting her make the first move.

"Why yes I do, it is much better then ba sing sa. You still haven't let loss yet, you should go and train with the avatar. She is so nice" she said, she had never been this chipper back home. It was good that the avatar liked her, that should help later on.

"I might, I think only bolin and asmai like me. I could try though. Maybe you could take a break and tour the city..." I trailed off, staring at the door. My neck was freezing. Why had I not noticed it before. She was trying warn me. I burned the window away then leaped out with Wendy in my arms. Just as we cleared the floor a blinding light over came the room. They where here. Pain exploded on my body as I skidded on the rough ground. I felt like a cornered animal.


Haha, a cliff hanger. Please tell me what you think and what I can do to improve. Please feel free to commit and read my other stories. If you have questions please ask. Sorry I take so long to update. But having your support makes me go faster.

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