Wendigo part 2

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She taught that trick to her self and she was on the brink of a panic/ anxiety attack, or when she was stressed.
She taught herself that when she was worried about her father and brother. It distracted her and it worked 100% of the
In the distance, the sound of someone calling for help filled the woods.
Sprinting right into action, the second oldest Winchester led the group, gun in hand.
Running with Grayson tight in her arms, she knew she had a fun in the waist band of her pants and she could get it with easy access.
"It seemed like it was coming from around here didn't?" Hayley asked. Suddenly, Sam said. "Everybody get back to camp!"
When they got back, all there stuff was gone.
"Our packs!"

"You mean some nutjob stole out stuff,"
Sam then came up to his siblings.
"I need to speak with you guys, in privet." He said.
Darcey put Grayson down and bent down to his level and said" Gray, go stay with Hayley for a sec okay? I'll be right back."
Her son nodded and she gave him a kiss on the forehead before joining her brothers.
"Give me dads Journal,"
He flipped the pages and stopped at one.
He then gave it to Darcey.
"Alright, check that out."
On the page about Wendigo's are in Minnesota woods, or northern Michigan," Dean started.
"I've never heard of one this far away west,"
"Think about it guys! The claws, the way they can mimic human voice"
"Grate, well then this is useless" Dean said holding up his gun in defeat Sam handed back Dean the Journal and before he walked away he said, "get these people to safety."

Dean turned to His sister. "You doing okay?" He asked her.
She nodded. Then she asked. "Are you doing okay?"
Dean smiled. "I'll be okay when we find dad" he said and headed off to Sam, leaving her alone.
Darcey sighed. She'll be okay when they find their dad too.

When they got back to camp, Sam started telling everyone that they needed to go and things go more complicated.
Grayson ran back into his moms arms quickly.
Roy being the cocky SOB said, "kid don't worry, what Evers out there I think I can handle it"
"It's not me I'm worried about, but you shoot thing it's just going to make it mad. We should go."
"1, your taking nonsense, 2, you have no position to be giving anyone orders"
"Relax" the twins say together.
Sam continues. " we should have never let you come here to begin with, all right, we're trying to protect you,"
Roy walked up to Sam.
"You protect me, I was hunting in these wood since your mommy was still kissing you goodnight,"
"Yeah,its a damm near perfect hunter, it's smarter then you, and it's going to hunt you down, and eat you alive unless we get your stupid sorry ass out of here"

Roy laughed in Sam's face and grabbed him "you know your crazy right?"
Soon Dean interfered and pushed Sam out of Roy's way.
"Stop, everybody just stop," Hayley said.
"Look, Tommy might still be alive,and I'm not leaving here without him." Everyone shut up after. The Winchester's looking at One another, then Dean said,
"It's getting late. This thing is a great hunter during the day, but a unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it,
Not In the dark. We wait till sunlight, until then we protect ourselves" he finished.

"How?" Hayley asked.

Darcey and dean drew the symbols to ward this Wendigo of
Hayley and her brother were at the camp fire they made.
Grayson fast asleep in Sam's arms.
As they explained the circles, Roy laughed.
He stood far from everyone else holding his gun on his shoulder.
"Nobody likes a skeptic Roy," Darcey said.
Walking up to his sister and brother, dean sat beside Sam.
"You want to tell me what going on in that freaky head of yours?"
Dean asked.

"Dean—" he started.
"Sam, your not fine," said Darcey,
"Your a pouter kid. Your acting like Grayson when I don't give him candy for dinner," Darcey continues laughing a bit trying to cheer him up.
"I'm the one who's supposed to be that one remember?" Dean said.
Almost too quietly, Sam says.
"Dads not here. I mean, that much we know for sure right,he would have left a message, a sign, right?"
Dean looked to Darcey.
"Yeah, your probably right Sam,—" she said,
"To tell you the truth I don't think dads even been here." Dean said

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