7. Walk Violently and Carry a Big Stick

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There should be only one or two more chapters in this opening arc. That's when we get into the really fun stuff.

The fun stuff, of course, being murder.


The ground shook as Nirvana, in its final form, took its first lumbering step. No one had known what to expect when its glow had amplified, the sky went red, its hum had turned deafening, and the forest floor began to be rocked by fierce tremors.

Whatever it was the mages were expecting, it was not the abandoned city rising from the woods and walking about on six towering legs.

Y/n, crouching low to the ground to steady herself, glanced around with narrowed eyes. They were on the base of one of Nirvana's stone legs- its foot, so to speak. The guild wizards, those who had managed to stay standing when they were lifted off the ground, clung to each other for support.

Nirvana took another step, sending a shockwave of destruction, levelling trees and warping the earth.

Natsu, who had begun to climb the leg, tumbled back down with a shout. He almost slammed into the Black Death, who ducked away, only knocking shoulders instead of being taken down with him.

Y/n let out a startled grunt but regained herself, easily falling backward into a bridge. She reached back blindly and grabbed Natsu by his scarf, catching him with a moment to spare. His voice was ripped from his lungs as his scarf dug into his throat. Natsu, wide-eyed, frozen, drew in a hoarse breath.

The Black Death, the most notorious assassin in all of Fiore or maybe even the world, had just saved him from taking an unfortunate tumble straight down to the forest floor hundreds of feet below.

"Thanks," He said, voice low, barely above a whisper.

The Black Death merely grunted in response.

"I hope this isn't as bad as it looks," Gray said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is," Lucy muttered, worry and terror evident on her face.

"And once again, Erza's right in the middle of it," Gray grumbled.

Lucy paled, turning to her guildmate in disbelief. "Seriously!?"

"This is the most dangerous thing I've ever smelled!" Natsu grinned. He tore himself free of the assassin's hold and took off, sprinting full speed towards the top of Nirvana's leg. Gray and Lucy exchanged a glance that was part annoyance and part fondness before following after him.

Y/n turned to Lyon, who was standing still, Sherry still cradled, unconscious in his arms. She tilted her head to the side slowly, then nodded to the top.

He shook his head no. "I must stay with her."

Y/n looked between Lyon and the Fairy Tail wizards a couple of times, unsure of what to do. She wanted to go after Natsu and the rest, but she couldn't very well leave Lyon and Sherry alone.

Logically, the remaining members of the Oracion Seis would be at the top of Nirvana. But that wasn't to say that those they had defeated, Angel and Racer, weren't still stalking the forest below. The Lamia Scale members wouldn't stand a chance.

"I can handle things back here. Go with them," Lyon told her with a soft nod. "I can tell you want to."

She offered him a curt nod in response. In her low, growling voice, she thanked him. She didn't waste any more time, turning on her heel and darting up Nirvana's leg to join the others.

Y/n caught up to them easily, falling in step with Lucy and Gray.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Gray groaned.

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