Chapter 34 (Fri, Apr 20 - Sun, Apr 22, 2018)

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The four members guided us to another area in the plane, where we had enough place to sit down. Jin and Suga were already there. Jin smiled at me, but Suga just gave me the once-over and then focused on his phone again. I frowned, which wasn't unseen by Namjoon.

"Don't worry, he will eventually warm up to you. He is just not so good with new people, actually he is very shy and just wants to protect us who are his family."

I nodded understandingly.


"WHAT DID YOU SAY? YOU SPEAK NINE LANGUAGES???", J-hope asked loudly and I tried not to grimace at the unexpected noise.

"Yes, my mother made me learn them.", I answered.

We had spent the last two hours talking and playing with each other. I really enjoyed the time, even though I was very tired.

"What languages can you speak?", Jin asked me curiously.

"English, Korean, French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and... um... Italian.", I said while counting it on my fingers. "I'm also learning Russian right now, but I'm not very good with the grammar."

The boys stared at me in disbelief with wide opened mouths. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Are there also other things you are unbelievably good at? Other hobbies?", Jimin asked.

"I've also composed a few songs before.", I replied.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Suga's head perking up. Apparently I had made him interested.

"You compete with Jungkook in being good at everything." Jimin smiled.

"Nobody is able to compete with the golden maknae!", Jungkook piped up.

Everyone laughed, falling in love with the maknae's extreme adorableness.

"I'm also drawing and painting. But I'm not really good at it I think.", I mentioned.

Immediately Namjoon protested. "Yes, you are very good at it! I saw it when you packed your things!"

I avoided his eyes and looked flustered at the ground.

"Oh! I remember that you mentioned it once during a phone call!", Taehyung exclaimed. "Speaking of which, can you maybe unblock our numbers?"

"When we arrive.", I answered and he shot me a boxy smile.

"Why did you block us in the first place?", he asked.

I was not prepared for such a question and swallowed hard. "I didn't. My... my mother did."

I looked at Namjoon, pleading with my eyes for help.

He immediately understood. "I think it's time for Victoria to go to sleep now. It was a long day for her."

The members complained a bit, but agreed eventually.

"Before you go one more thing. How should we call you? Victoria or Viola?", Jungkook asked.

I pondered. Actually I had never liked the name that my mother had given to me, because it showed that I was only an object to her, a tool to become successful, to get victory. Viola on the other hand was the name I had given to myself. The viola flower symbolized pure logic, love, faith and free thoughts. It was the perfect name for me.

With a firm voice I said "I want to be called Viola."


After a few hours of sleep, I was woken up by a soft and deep voice.

"Viola, please wake up, the plane will land soon in Korea."

I opened my eyes and looked directly at Namjoon's beautiful face, who smiled at me.

The walk through the airport in Korea was even more horror then in Boston. Even though it was 6 AM, there were many more people and much more noise. I almost wasn't able to bear it, but Seunghee guided me through the crowd of fans. We were almost arrived at the vans, when suddenly the noise increased by an enormous amount. Every fan on the airport began to scream, when apparently BTS walked through the terminal. Seunghee guided me to a van and entered it together with me. She noticed my questioning look.

"The members are taking a different van, to prevent that fans get suspicious.", she explained. 

I nodded understandingly.

"First, everyone goes to the entertainment building, because there is a meeting to attend where we talk about the new album that will be published in a bit earlier than a month. We will also talk about the concert in Boston yesterday. I'm sure that the heads of Big Hit Entertainment also want to get to know you.", she added.

I tried not to panic. "Really? Why?"

"Namjoon is normally also very passionate about what he does, but it still was conspicuous how much he wanted this concert to happen. After all, we are actually heavy preparing for the comeback.

The CEOs and managers want to meet you, because you are the reason for this. 

But you don't need to worry, I'm sure they approve of your relationship with Namjoon."

"We're just friends.", I told her quickly. I actually wasn't sure of my feelings for Namjoon, but Seunghee didn't have to know about them.

Seunghee just smiled knowingly.


824 words

I know it's a short chapter, but I hope you still liked it. The dates are maybe a bit confusing, but it's just because of the time difference of Boston and Korea. The plane takes off in the late evening of Friday in Boston and arrives on Saturday early morning in Korea.

Thank you for reading the humble result of my creativity, it means very much to me! You can also leave comments, I'm always appreciating reading them and answering to them. Stay safe and healthy, I purple you!!!💜💜💜

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