Chapter 1 (Fri, Dec 1, 2017)

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Sighing heavily, I laid my head on the table. It wasn't even that late, but university was taking all my energy and it had been weeks ago when I had felt truly awake for the last time. The other students would never think of me as a tired and depressed person because with other people near me I only showed my façade, the persona of a highly intelligent student who lives isolated and is only happy while studying. A flawless perfect girl that studies medicine at Harvard and receives the best grades.

Whenever I heard the other students talking about me, I heard things like: "Her parents must be so proud of her! Imagine having such a daughter!"

But they didn't know the truth. And I didn't plan on showing them my destroyed personality, afraid that they would try to harm me. If even your mother can't love you, nobody can, right?

I stood up and went to the kitchen to make coffee. I was rich, but I didn't like to brag about it. It isn't good to be rich if you're lonely, not having someone who loves you for who you truly are. For example, I lived in a huge luxurious apartment, full of edgy furniture and dark walls. The whole interior looked cold and unfriendly, and I was feeling lonely all the time. Even on my phone, the only saved contacts were my mom's, the number of the university and emergency numbers.

If I had more time apart from studying, I would throw away all the dark and edgy furniture and furnish the whole apartment completely new. The new furniture would have bright colors and a form that would appear slender and graceful. Then, I would paint the walls in lovely pastel colors to make me happy and hang a few paintings I created on my own on the wall. It would help me to be much more happier and positive.

But my mother would prohibit it. She had bought the apartment and she wanted it to stay luxurious and unapproachable, without the touch of a person living inside. She also hated my paintings, she didn't like art at all. When I had moved into the apartment to go to Harvard, I thought I would gain some freedom and independence, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

My coffee was ready to drink, so I went again to the desktop and sat down. This would be a long night.


The next morning, I woke up at 6 AM with a terrible throbbing headache, still sitting on the chair in front of the desk. Apparently, I had again fallen asleep while studying. Nevertheless, I stood up and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower and dressing in an ordinary blouse and jeans, I took my bag and went out of the door. I locked it and took the elevator.

When I was outside, I took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the claustrophobic feeling that overcame me every time I was in the apartment. The cold winter air felt like it was shredding my lungs to pieces and my breath formed swirling clouds of fog while exiting my mouth. It cleared my mind and I could finally feel the tiredness drift away.

I made my way to the subway, squeezing myself through the unbelievable mass of people that were crowding the streets of Boston. Finally, I was able to enter the train. I ended up standing and swaying in every curve because there was nothing I could hold to stable myself. The passengers on the train had bored expressions, some stared through the windows but most were just looking on their phone, texting loved ones, maybe their family or friends.

I sighed and averted my eyes. Even if I would have friends, I couldn't find the time to stay in contact with them because university got me pretty occupied. Apart from that, my mother would never allow me to have friends because 'Friends are just a waste of time.'

Out of the speaker of the train came the announcement: "Next stop: Harvard."

I brought my bag close to my chest, stood up, and pushed myself out of the train along with other students. The cold fresh air once again hit me in the face and I enjoyed the short walk to the picturesque building. Looking up to the sky I let out a small excited smile because I saw the grey clouds. It looked as if it was going to snow soon. For me, it was always so bewitching to see everything being covered by a white glittering blanket of snow crystals and the campus seemed like a place where a fairytale could take place.

Slowly awakening from my little dream world, I became aware of the stares I got, some admiring, some jealous. I was startled a bit by the thought that somebody could have seen the small smile forming on my lips. I wasn't alone!

Quickly I let my smile fall and showed a polite but impersonal expression and walked to the entrance of the beautiful red building.


Later that day I was listening to the professor explaining something about anesthesia when I heard someone next to me.

"Hey, Victoria! Shhhhh! I need your help!" someone whispered.

I turned my head, curious of whoever dared to speak to me. Nobody would ever talk to me, I was the untouchable perfect rich girl that didn't care for having friends. At least I had made people believe this.

Therefore I was a bit surprised when I saw Ashley next to me, a good student who was friends with nearly everyone in the whole university thanks to her extroverted personality. She looked at me with huge doe eyes.

"Could you please help me with this structural formula? What medication does it belong to?" she asked.

"T-this one belongs to Ketamine. I-it's used for chronic pain and sedation," I answered. Being an introvert, I stuttered a bit.

She didn't seem to be affected by my stuttering and gave me a bright smile with pearly white teeth, showing off her cute dimples.

"Thank you very much! By the way, I like your blouse. It's cute!"

I looked down. The blouse I wore was made out of dark blue fabric, something my mother thought of as an 'appropriate outfit'. It was just a dark blue blouse, nothing special.

But I had to give Ashley a reaction, so I simply whispered a small "Thank you!" and shot her an uneasy smile.


1092 words

Okay, so what do you think of the story? Is my English okay or is it awful?

Thank you so much for reading, I purple you!!! <3

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