Maudrey (Mal x Audrey) #4

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Maudrey (Mal x Audrey) #4

Audrey's POV

 Mal and Uma have recently become friends again and it's bothering me. I mean why should it, Mal and I aren't besties or anything more. There shouldn't be any reason for me to feel jealous... right? I mean Mal is the most beautiful girl that I've ever laid eyes on but that doesn't make not straight. Mal is so popular these days and I'm basically a nobody. Oh how have the tides have turned here in Auradon. 

    I'm currently sitting on a wall overlooking the fountain in the center of the courtyard eating an apple. Evie walks by and gives me a funny look but relaxes once she realizes that my apple is not poisonous. It's only then that she actually makes her way over to me and sits down next to me. "Hi Audrey, I'm sorry for giving you a weird look. I just get a little paranoid over apples. I love them but yet they remind me too much of my evil mother." I nod. "I understand completely and no offense is taken. How are you doing?" She smiles. "I'm doing good. I'm just taking a nature break before my final class of the day. How are you doing?"

      It's that exact moment that Mal chooses to walk by arm in arm with Uma and I can feel the envy grow inside of me instantly. I try to mask it so Evie doesn't get suspicious. "I'm doing fine Evie, I'm just a little tired is all. I have one more class to attend today and then I'm free for the weekend." Mal makes eye contact with Evie and makes her way over to us with Uma in tow. I put on a polite facade. "Uma, it's nice to see you again." She gives me a sincere smile and I actually feel bad. "It's nice to see you too Audrey. I'm glad you made a smooth recovery from the spell you were under." I nod. "Thank you Uma. Mal, how goes it?" She raises an eyebrow at me. "I'm fine but you seem a little nervous. Are you good?" 

         My heart begins to race and I feel like puking in the nearest bush due to the high level of nervousness I feel in this moment. "I'm fine, just tired is all. I need to get through my last class of the day and then I can crash for a bit in my dorm." We all stand around for a few minutes before parting ways to go to our last classes of the day. Mal and I happen to share our last class of the day so we walk together. She inches closer to me and closes the distance between us. "Audrey, are you really okay? You're very pale and look like you might pass out." I do feel a little lightheaded but I don't want to worry her. I don't like it when people worry about me, especially those that I care about. 

          When we're close to class, I feel my legs give out from under me and my vision goes black. The last thing I see as I hit the ground is Mal's gorgeous purple hair. 

Mal's POV

 I managed to catch Audrey before she hit the ground entirely. Jane happened to be near by and she called a medic who will be here any minute. When the medic arrives, I ask to go with her to the infirmary and I'm excused from my last class of the day (which happens to be boring Auradon History). I anxiously bounce my knees up and down in a chair beside Audrey's body lying on a dull looking bed. Tears find their way to my eyes... I really like her and it bothers me to see her like this. 

      She opens her eyes about an hour later and I sit up straight. I wipe away the stray tears from my red, puffy eyes and put on a brave expression. "Audrey, how are you feeling?" She looks at me in confusion. "Dizzy and confused. What happened?" "Well the two of us were on our way to History when you fainted. I caught you before you hit the ground. Jane called a medic and you were brought here to the infirmary. I skipped class because I was worried about you and wanted to make sure you were going to be okay." 

        She yawns but sits up a bit in the bed. "I'll be fine in a bit. Thank you for catching me when I fell though. That's kind of romantic if you think about it." I blush immediately. "Y-Yeah I guess." She leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you for being my hero." I giggle. "Y-You're welcome Audrey." The two of us stare at each other fondly and let the moment linger for as long as possible before Audrey is assessed once more before being allowed to leave the infirmary. I walk her back to her dorm though. Before I help her back into bed because she needs to rest some more, I pull her in for a kiss myself, this time I crash my lips onto hers. I don't need to say how I feel, the kiss says it all. Audrey grins at me. "You're a great kisser. Let's do it again soon." I wink at her. "I'm totally down for that." 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! My new cover is attached down below in case you want to check it out. :) -Mary

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