Devie (Doug x Evie) #4

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Devie (Doug x Evie) #4

Evie's POV

   There's something that I've been keeping from Doug for quite some time now. No I haven't cheated on him, he's my one and only. I absolutely adore him, it's just something about myself that I've been wanting to tell him but have been hesitant to do so because I don't know how he'd react. It's about my sexuality... I'm not straight... I'm Bisexual. It's such an important aspect of who I am and I can't hide it from him any longer. 

      I knock lightly on Doug's door and he answers a minute later. "Evie, how are you sweetheart?" I begin to sweat. "I-I'm okay. How are you?" He frowns. "I'm fine but you sound nervous. What's up?" He motions for me to sit on his bed and I do. He plops down beside me and puts a hand on my knee. I bite my lip and take a deep breath. "Doug, there's something I need to tell you about myself. It's nothing bad but I'm still afraid it may change how you see me." He tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Whatever it is Evie, you know you can tell me. I'd never judge you nor would I see you any differently for simply telling the truth." 

       "Doug... I'm not straight... I'm Bisexual. I've known this about myself since I was fourteen years old and am private about it. The only people who know are Mal, Jay, and Carlos. I've been wanting to tell you for so long but I was hesitant because I know that some people aren't fond of those in the LGBTQA+ community." I force myself to look into Doug's eyes and he's still looking at me with all of the love in the world, which is the key indicator that I know everything is okay. "Evie, that doesn't make me think any less of you. It doesn't matter to me that you're Bisexual. I know that you'd never cheat on me and vice versa. You're my one and only. Even if you did decide to break up with me down the road and decided to test the waters with a female, I wouldn't be offended at all. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me such an important truth about yourself. I can only imagine that keeping that bottled up inside can be difficult." 

        "Doug, you're the best. It really is difficult to keep my sexuality bottled up but I don't want rumors to be spread about me. I also want only people that matter to me to know. Like Audrey for example, she'd run her mouth nonstop about it if she knew. You're an amazing boyfriend though. Some guys who find out that their girlfriends are Bisexual, Pansexual, etc freak out and immediately dump their girlfriends. It's heartbreaking when to hear stories like that." He nods. "It's a shame. No one deserves to be cast aside like that. People can't help who they fall for and should be allowed to love who they want to love without extreme judgment." "Amen to that." The two of us cuddle in his bed in a blissful silence. I even shed a tear into his shoulder, being so grateful that I have such an accepting boyfriend. 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary


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