Jarlos (Jane x Carlos) #3

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Jarlos (Jane x Carlos) #3

Carlo's POV

 Jane and I decided to be those lame dorks that actually write a list of New Year's Resolutions aka a list of goals that we hope to accomplish in the New Year, both as a couple and individually. I happen to be really good at writing lists despite being labeled as "ditzy" by some. Jane finished her list first and I'm wrapping mine up right now. We're sitting on her bed and we're going to discuss them together. When I write my last bullet note, I look up and make eye contact with her. "Jane, I'm ready if you are." She smiles. "Awesome! You can go first Carlos."

      I clear my throat and read my list, splitting it up into two separate categories though as I mentioned before. 

Carlo's List:

Couple Goals 

~ To go on a couple's vacation together, even if it's just for a weekend. 

~To try one new activity together that we've never done before. 

~To ignore the negativity that people spread about us being a couple. 

Individual Goals

~To build up some more muscle.

~Not bottle up my thoughts and feelings so much. 

~To improve my grades from a C average to at least a B average.

  "So Jane, what do you think?" She claps her hands together and nods in approval. "Those are all great goals to have Carlos. What a wonderful list you wrote up. The couple goals are excellent ones for us to work on together too. Would you like to hear my list now?" I nod and give the floor to her. 

Jane's List:

Couple Goals

~ To be a little more affectionate in public. The two of us are happy being together and should let the world know it without any hesitation.

~ To go on a vacation together, even if it's just for a weekend. 

~ To go to prom this year.

Individual Goals

~ To be less insecure about my appearance. 

~ To be a little more adventurous. 

~Obtain more independence from my mother. I love her dearly but I'm my own person. 

   She looks at me for approval and I nod. "Both the couple goal list and the individual goal list are excellent. I do have one question though. What kind of public displays of affection are you talking about? We hold hands all the time, hug each other a lot, and even kiss in public on occasion." She blushes. "I'm a little embarrassed to say it aloud." I nudge her arm playfully. "It's just you and me right now. No one is going to overhear this conversation. What is it? I promise I won't judge you." "Well... I wouldn't be opposed if you grabbed me on occasion from behind... or down below." Her eyes flicker to my lower zone and I begin to pick up the signals. 

        I blush too. "O-Oh, I get what you're implying. You mean your butt and such?" She nods. "E-Exactly. I don't mean to be weird but we're both getting older. We're both seniors now and this is the time that people our age begin exploring further in relationships. I wouldn't ask you to do it though if it makes you uncomfortable. Crossing someone's boundaries is never okay." I smile softly at her. "I don't get uncomfortable by much. If you're okay with me doing that, I'll do it once in awhile." Her eyes sparkle with joy. "Really? Thank you Carlos, I love you. You're the best boyfriend!" I chuckle and hug her gently. "Thank you but it's really you who is the best. I love you too Jane. The New Year may easily be our best one yet." She looks at me with wonder in her eyes. "You really think so?" I nod with content. "I do."

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! I did a couple of New Year's themed ones since it's getting close to New Year's. I may not update tomorrow though because it's my birthday and I have plans to go out. I'll be turning 21 and I feel ancient now. :) -Mary 

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