Huma (Harry x Uma) #2

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Huma (Harry x Uma) #2

Uma's POV

 Harry is being extra sweet to me today. Mal called me "shrimpy" again yesterday and it's been bothering me more than I care to admit. We're not ten years old anymore but it still hurts being called that name. I can even handle being called a cuss word over "shrimpy." He's currently giving me a back massage while shirtless. I'm both relaxed and turned on simultaneously. "Uma, darling, you know you're not a shrimp. You're a beautiful woman. Not only are you a beautiful woman, you're MY beautiful woman." 

     I blush. "Thank you Harry. You don't have to go out of your way like this to simply cheer me up. I'll get over it, I always do eventually." He sighs. "I know you do, you're both a captain and a warrior. The amount of strength you have is unlike any other I've ever seen. What I'm saying is that even though you're that strong, you're still human. You still have feelings and those feelings do come to the surface from time to time. All our lives we were taught to bury our feelings deep down inside and what good did that do? Absolutely none. If you need to let it out, let it out." 

     A couple of tears slip out despite me blinking them back as much as I could. Harry wipes them away right before they fall onto my bed. "See Uma darling, I'm always here for you. I'll always catch your tears before they fall to the floor." I feel a sensation of warmth rush through my body and I hug him tightly. "I love you Harry." He hugs me back tightly. "I love you too Uma." We sit like this for a few minutes and I've calmed down enough for him to finish giving me a back massage. Harry is the best at giving massages. He even gives Gil massages after our sword fighting practices, battles, etc. 

       When Harry is done massaging my back, he moves onto other parts of my body such as my neck, hips, etc. I love the way his hands caress my skin. If it were anyone else doing this, I'd flinch and/or reflexively hit them away. Since it's Harry though, he can basically do whatever he wants to me and I'd be okay with it. Harry's been so wonderful to me that I even give him a back massage despite him not having asked for one. He's been caring for me and the least I can do is care for him back. 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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