Chaudrey (Chad x Audrey) #2 (Part 1)

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Chaudrey (Chad x Audrey) #2 (Part 1)

Chad's POV

  I've been helping Audrey get back on track after her temporary spell of being an evil sorceress and terrorizing the people of Auradon. Some people are still hesitant to be near her for too long but at least no one is running away from her anymore. Audrey was hypnotized by a spell herself during that period. She wasn't in her right mind and it bothers me that some people actually believe that she wanted to be evil. Audrey may be a little snarky at times but she has never been evil. I'll literally fight anyone who calls her evil both behind her back and to her face. 

      Audrey is currently working on some homework and I'm tinkering around with her printer. I'm not an IT expert but I do know how to fix printers surprisingly. After I tinker with it for another half an hour, I finally manage to get it to work properly. Audrey's face lights up at my success. "You fixed it! Thank you so much Chad!" I smile bashfully. "It's no problem. Do you want me to go or stay for a bit?" She bites her lip. "You can stay." I nod and make myself comfortable in her computer chair. It's a black leather one, sleek but comfortable. A moment of silence passes before I break it. 

      "Audrey, I know the winter formal is coming up soon. I'm not going to spring a proposal on you out of the blue right now... but I'd like to know... if you'd be willing to go with me?" Her giddy expression becomes even giddier. "Absolutely Chad, I'd love to go to the winter formal with you. Though when it comes time for the proposal, I hope it's a little more romantic. I'm a girl and you know how we have our fantasies." I chuckle. "Oh I know, trust me. I vow to you that the actual proposal will knock your socks off." She giggles. "Chad, you're so silly with your usage of unpopular expressions." I gasp dramatically. "It's thanks to my unpopular expressions that I get to see your beautiful smile as much as I do."

          When I realize what I've said, my hands fly to my mouth and cover it so I won't say anything else that could be considered stupid. She kisses me on the cheek and I blush like a tomato. "That was really sweet of you to say. Thank you Chad. I'm so looking forward to going to the winter formal with you." I smile from ear to ear. "The feeling is mutual princess." 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! This one will be a multi-part one shot so stay tuned for the next updates on it.  :) -Mary

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