Jaylos (Jay x Carlos) #4

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Jaylos (Jay x Carlos) #4

Jay's POV

 I've had a desire to be a Youtuber for awhile and thanks to encourage of my boyfriend and friends, I finally created a Youtube channel. I called it "JayJayCentral." It's a little tacky but yet it has a catchy ring to it. For my first video, I'm going to film a basic introduction. I'm going to introduce myself with some fun facts about me as well as a general outline of the content that my channel will feature. Carlos loves working with cameras so he's going to help me film the video from being the scenes. He even wants to help with the editing process too, bless him. 

    I adjust my posture so I'm siting up straight as Carlos turns the camera on. When it begins recording, I smile and look straight at it. "Hello people of the world, my name is Jay. Just like many others out there, I've been dreaming of starting my own Youtube channel for a long time so now here I am. A little about me is that I'm a senior in high school, I'm a core member of a tourney team here at school, I'm one hundred percent gay for my boyfriend, will be turning eighteen next month, and my favorite band of all time is the Script. They're a wicked talented band that deserves far more recognition."

    "This channel will feature a combination of vlogs, gaming videos, and reviews of things like movies/TV shows. I may even feature my boyfriend in a future video if he feels comfortable being in front of the camera rather than behind it. It's entirely up to him though. Well everyone, thank you for watching this introduction video and I look forward to us getting to know each other better on both ends. Please don't forget to subscribe and turn the notification bell on so you won't miss any of my videos. Take care." Carlos shuts off the camera and smiles at me. "You did great Jay. I bet you'll have 500 subscribers by the end of the month."   

     I peck him on the lips. "Thank you babe. Would you consider appearing in one of my videos sometime?" He bites his lip and smiles adorably. "I'll think about it. I'm just not as confident in front of a camera as you are." I ruffle his hair adoringly. "I think that in time you'll get there. You've made a lot of progress these last few months. I believe in you Carlos. I love you." He leans his head on my shoulder. "Thank you Jay and I love you too." We spend the rest of the afternoon editing the video together and marveling at the final product before uploading it onto Youtube. The views build over night and by the next morning, I have a thousand views on my introduction video. I'm blown away honestly. Carlos was right, I actually am decent in front of a camera.

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary



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