Jarlos (Jane x Carlos) #1

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Jarlos (Jane x Carlos) #1

Carlos' POV

 I just met Jane for the first time and my heart is fluttering all over the place. I'm normally not attracted much to anyone, but there's something about this girl that intrigues me. I see the pure kindness in her and the potential it has to rub off on me. I could change for the better here in Auradon, not only for a girl like her but also for myself. Mal and the others are trying to convince me to use her to get to the wand because she's Fairy Godmother's daughter. Although that is a major advantage, I feel guilty for going through with that plan. I'm taking it all in stride right now, listening to everyone else's input but making a final decision myself without anyone swaying me one way or another.

    Jane is so pretty. She has these baby blue eyes that you can just get lost in, medium length black hair that makes her eyes stand out even more because of her hair color, and permanently adorable face. What I mean by that is no matter what kind of facial expression she makes, she still looks adorable. I've never seen anything like it. As I sit by myself on a bench thinking about the effect that Jane has on me, I notice her walking by. I jump up from the bench and run after her, nearly out of breath when I reach her. "Jane, do you have a minute?"

     She jumps back a bit, startled by my sudden presence but then relaxes when she sees that it's just me rather than Mal or my scarier friends from the Isle. "Carlos, hi again. I enjoyed our chat earlier. Care to walk with me?" I nod and motion for her to hand me her books. She blushes. "That's sweet of you Carlos. No one ever carries my books for me. I just carry them around like boulders every day five days a week." I roll my eyes. "Just because there are guys with royal blood in these parts doesn't actually make them a gentleman." She nods. "I agree. So tell me more about you." My heart hammers in my throat when she asks me that normal but yet deep question. I don't want to say anything that'll scare her off, especially this soon after meeting her.

    "Well, I'm obviously the son of Cruella De Vil. I'm more afraid of puppies than my mother is though. She forces me to wear clothing of their fur but it bothers me a lot having to do so. I'm not as evil as a lot of people make me out to me. Yes I've stolen a few things here and there but nothing more than a lollipop or a tube of lipstick for my mother. My fifteen birthday just passed recently so I'm eligible to get a job if I chose to. Dancing is one of the things that gives me intense pleasure. I could dance the night away with the right person." She smiles. "Carlos De Vil sounds a lot better than his mother."

       I blush a bit and scratch the back of my neck in an awkward fashion. "T-Thank you Jane. Tell me a bit more about you." "Well being the daughter of the Fairy Godmother causes people to form a lot of stereotypes about you. I'm a good person but I like to let loose now and then. My mother makes me feel guilty for having that side to myself but I don't see it as anything to be ashamed of. I love to sing. I'm not the best dancer but I can sing okay. I'm one of the few people who actually enjoys school as lame as that sounds. My life hasn't been too difficult over the years and I'm grateful for that, but yet I want more. I've been sheltered for so long that I haven't really seen the world outside of Auradon. I really hope to one day..."

       I do something that takes me by surprise. I grab a hold of her hand and squeeze it gently. "I vow to you that I'll make sure that you see more of the world outside of Auradon one day. Do you trust me?" I'm mentally rolling my eyes as my very Aladdin like statement but gaze at Jane sincerely. She ends up surprising me even further by squeezing my hand back. "I trust you Carlos." 

       And that my friends is the start to a beautiful relationship, one that will last for a very long time. 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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