part1 First Eyecontact

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Mina's POV :

Its one of the December night, I'm warming myself in a coffee shop not far from my apartment. I looked out the window and sighed. I'm bored of my life, there's nothing that made my heart thump, nothing I'm happy about. A bell sound made me to snap back to the reality world. As I followed where the sound is, its the entrance of the coffee shop.

Coming in is a man wearing a thick jacket to cover him from the bitter December coldness. Somehow, I can't take my eyes off him. Why? He seems so familiar with big eyes of his and perfectly build body. When he turned his head towards my direction, I quickly turned away and looked outside the window.

He walked towards my direction with coffee in his hands. dugeun dugeun. Cold sweat trickles down my forehead as he kept coming closer, step by step. I looked up to see his face, making sure that I recognize him.

Our eyes met. I quickly turned away hiding from my shyness. I gulped down my coffee to get rid of my nervousness. My head kept spinning. His face seemed familiar. Where did I saw him before? When? or even, Who is he?

As he is just a few steps away from me, I moved to the other direction a bit, feeling very uncomfortable. I held my breath and closed my eyes. Step step step step. I opened my eyes, cathing no one in sight, only a few staffs cleaning the table. As I turned my head around, I saw him sitting by the corner across me sitting lesiurely drinking his coffee and scrolling his phone.

I sighed from the breath I held earlier. As I leaned back to the chair, my mind keeps spinning, finding clues about the man sitting across me. Nothing, no clues at all, but why did he seemed so familiar?

The Mystery Man's POV :

I stepped in the coffee shop after school to have some leisure time. As I stand outside the coffee shop, I caught a beautiful women looking outside the window. With the streetlights reflecting from her face, she looked like a goddess. I walked in and saw her looking at me.

I turned away and ordereed a cup of coffee. I tried my best to look cool in front of this lady in front of me. She looked familiar somehow. I walked to my favorite sitting place in the coffee shop. I sighed, I have to walk pass her. I took all my courage and walk towards her. My heart is racing like crazy.

Don't look at me,don't look at me. Guess the world IS mean. She looked up when I tried to see her face again. Our eyes met. dugeun dugeun. I turned away and walked to my favorite place. i sat there leisurely tweeting about what just happened.

I digged through my memories finding information about the lady across me. She seemed familiar, way familiar. I sighed and gulped my coffee. Guess this coffee time won't be as relaxing as expected.

Mina's POV :

I finished my already cold coffee and quickly walked home. Maybe some things in my house can help me recollect who is he or what he is to me. Why am I so curious, mostly, why did my heart raced so fast just now. Am I starting an exciting journey already?

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