'I'm so sorry; I should have stayed and shut it down, Mason,' I sighed. 'I knew it wasn't you who wanted to have that party and I should have kicked them all out and helped you clean up the place last night.'

'Don't be silly, babe,' he sighed. 'It's alright; she'll get over it. My Dad is threatening to send me away to boarding school though.'

He let out a chuckle and I frowned, not seeing the funny side.

'This is all because of Ryker,' I told him. 'Please tell me you see that this is all his doing and he's to blame.'

'Sure,' he replied, with a sigh. 'But it's my house and as far as my parents are concerned, I let it happen.'

'You were pressured,' I said. 'You're always pressured by him.'

'Not really, babe,' he said. 'I did kind of think it would be a good idea when he suggested it. I gave it the okay.'

'There's just no getting through to you, Mason,' I sighed.

'Well, there's cleaners here now tidying it all up and my parents have told me I have to pay the bill so that's my punishment and from what the cost of this will be, that's enough to stop me throwing anymore parties,' he laughed.

'It's not funny, babe,' I said. 'You should make Ryker pay half.'

'It's fine, Amelia,' he said. 'I'm not bothered about the money.'

'Money may be no object to you but he should still pay,' I said.

'Babe, Ryker doesn't have much money,' he said. 'He and his mum...they just get by and I would never dream of asking him for money.'

I tried to feel a little sympathy for Ryker in that moment but I still couldn't help but feel more sorry for Mason and how much he was being taken for a ride.

'So what?' I said. 'That may be true but it doesn't mean he just gets to push you into throwing a wild party then let you take the blame and pay the bill.'

'It's okay, Amelia,' he said. 'Look, I just want to see you. How about we skip school?'

'Well, I think Christine will lose it if you come over here when she's already mad that I went to the party,' I sighed. 'Plus, your mum will probably lose it too if she sees me after what you did.'

'Can you come over?' he asked. 'Just sneak through the side door; she never comes up to my room anyway.'

'You sure?' I asked, feeling excited at the idea of Mason sneaking me into his house; it was ballsy for him.

'Yeah,' he said. 'I feel shitty and I just want to lie in bed with you all day.'

'Okay,' I laughed. 'Wait...promise me, no Ryker.'

'What?' he replied.

'You do not let Ryker come over,' I said. 'If he calls, ignore him. I haven't had you to myself at all since he arrived in town so no Ryker today, okay?'

'Deal,' he said. 'Just get over here.'

'See you soon,' I said, hanging up the phone.

I quickly ran for a shower before getting dressed into a small, black, crop vest and black jeans. Pulling on my denim jacket and black Dr Marten's, I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out of my room and downstairs.

'I'm going into school,' I said, passing Christine as she continued to work in the kitchen. 'I can't miss maths when I have that test soon.'

'Sure,' she mumbled. 'See you later.'

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