Sickness Ruins Everything

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Hosuh is getting sick, but doesn't want to ruin Stephen and Dan's day so he tries to hide it.
It's almost midnight here so sorry for any error :)

Hosuh rolled over in his bed, groaning as he looked over at his bright phone screen. His mind couldn't register the time displayed, so he settled for sinking back into the covers, letting his eyes close.

Usually, Hosuh didn't think of himself as a lazy person – he rose early, never missed alarms and didn't spend the day lying in bed or a on a sofa. But he chose differently today. He felt a little off his game, if he was being honest with himself. He figured it was originally because he hadn't got enough sleep two nights ago, but the headache he had experienced yesterday was lost certainly a migraine, and the ache of his limbs had turned to full exhaustion.

Hosuh coughed, wincing as his chest twinged in pain, and lay back down in the covers, shivering. Despite his inner denial, he knew that he was sick. Bed rest and medicine was now the best option.

But he couldn't rest today. Today Stephen and Daniel were going to be waiting for him at the airport; they had spent money trying to get to where Hosuh was, and he didn't want to let the down. With another groan he slowly rose out of his cocoon, his head spinning. The silver-haired pressed his hand against his temple, closing his eyes as his cold fingertips cooling his heated brow. So he had a fever then.

Another bout of coughs ripped through his chest, leaving him doubled over and wheezing for breath. His head pounded with every cough, making him moan out load. Still, he stood up, gripping the counter for support. Though he hadn't used his legs yet, they begged to rest, almost folding beneath him.

Slowly, Hosuh shuffled to the bathroom, panting. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and winced; big black bags under his eyes, pale skin, sweaty forehead – all the textbook signs of sickness. He didn't have time to dwell on the thought, deciding just to grab a packet of paracetamol instead of running (well, more like slow shuffle) to the pharmacy at seven in the morning.

Hosuh let the water run down his hands for a few seconds, leaning against the sink as his stomach suddenly lurched. He closed his eyes, sick of the fluorescent lights surrounding him, and splashed the water on his face. It was cool and soothing, so Hosuh kept his hands covering his features for a few moments too long.

An alarm pulled him from his temporary standstill, and Hosuh jumped in response. His heart settled upon the realisation that it was the phone in the other room, it's loud alarm echoing to the bathroom.

He remembered setting the alarm a few nights ago. He labelled it as Don't be late. Airport Time. With a small squeak Hosuh ran out of the bathroom with a toothbrush still in his hands. He stared at the lit up screen in shock.


How had it gotten that late? With a groan Hosuh grabbed his clothes off his desk, leaning against the wall as he pulled them over his head. He was feeling slightly better from when he first woken up, and hoped it was just a worry over nothing. He most definitely wasn't sick. He couldn't be sick – not today.

He most definitely was sick.

At first he had been fine – he had even managed to eat a cereal bar before he left. The migraine had changed to a dull ache at the back of his head, and his panic over being late had allowed him to forget about everything else.

But it was almost half past eight and whatever hope that he wasn't sick had been flattened by a high fever and a series of coughing fits.

Hosuh was trembling in his seat, his eyes half closed as he watched the gate exit. The chatter surrounding him was unbearable, making his head feel like it was getting stabbed over and over – he only stayed out of stubborn loyalty to his friends. The breakfast bar he ate earlier was refusing to settle, making him feel like his stomach was wrapped with a rubber band. He was exhausted. He just wanted to go home and sleep it off – though it was probably too late for that.

Hosuh's stomach suddenly rolled, and he clamped a hand over his mouth. Sweat was dripping from his brow, and his trembles had increased to the point where Hosuh couldn't sit still. He gagged as nausea hit him full force, and he forced his tired feet to dash into one of the bathrooms.

Luckily no one was in there – it was one of the more abandoned bathrooms that were squashed in a corner. Hosuh slammed the cubicle door closed behind him, his fingers dunking with the lock as his stomach twisted. He got to the toilet bowl just in time; he gagged, spilling all of his breakfast into the bowl below him.

Hosuh felt tears prick in his eyes as his throat burnt painfully. He let himself rest his aching head on the toilet seat, panting. Nausea rolled inside him again, and Hosuh was once more hunched over the toilet, retching. His clammy hands gripped the rim, knuckles turning white.

"I wanna go home." Hosuh hasn't realised he said the words out loud, curling up on the bathroom floor. "I really want to go to bed." His voice slurred, and Hosuh could feel his eyes shutting –

There was a bang, and Hosuh sat up quickly. Footsteps were heard as the door squeaked shut. Hosuh sighed. His fingers gripped into the small cracks in the wall as he pulled himself up, head spinning. If it was possible, he felt even worse than before. Sweat was rolling down his chest and back, his stomach muscles aching. Hosuh wasn't sure how he was going to hide his rapidly declining state from Daniel and Stephen anymore; his only thought was making sure their day wasn't ruined by him.

He hadn't registered he was walking until his legs hit the plastic seat. Hosuh collapsed on the chair, leaning back.

"Hosuh! Hey Hosuh!"

Hosuh looked up, smiling weakly as he saw Daniel and Stephen waving at him enthusiastically. He returned the wave, keeping the smile plastered on his face.

"You won't believe where I had to sit!" Stephen began predictably, dropping his bags. Dan laughed next to him at whatever story Stephen was telling, but it was white noise in Hosuh's ears. He could feel himself loosing whatever energy he had left, and sleep was tempting at this point. The aches and nausea wouldn't let him rest, however.

"And he put his fucking foot on my seat handle and I – Hosuh are you ok?"

Hosuh's head snapped up at the question. Both Daniel and Stephen were staring at him, and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah – yeah I'm fine." Hosuh tried to reassure, but he broke out into a coughing fit. The coughs ripped his already sore chest, making him sink into his seat. He was gasping by the time he got them under control.

When he opened his eyes again Stephen was holding him tightly, preventing him from falling off his chair altogether, and Daniel was holding a bottle of water out for him to take. Both friends' faces were twisted in undisguised concern.

"Hosuh, you look awful." Daniel said, moving closer. His hand pressed against Hosuh's forehead. "Jesus you're burning up!"

Hosuh shook his head stubbornly, standing unsteadily. Both males tried to sit him down, but he stepped out of reach. However, he was already regretting the decision- his legs were shaking underneath him, and his head span with the sudden movement. He swayed.

Someone caught him before he hit the ground. He could tell by the stinger arms and black hoodie that it was Stephen. Hosuh let himself be pulled up.

"Fuck, Hosuh!" Stephen's voice sounded like it was underwater. Hosuh tried to move away from the purple-haired again, but he wasn't strong enough. He gave up and leant against him, pressing his head against his chest. He coughed again, almost falling to the ground for a second time, but Stephen held him upright, his grip tightening.

"No...m'not sick...don't have to worry 'bout me..." Hosuh mumbled. The airport sounds faded from his ears until he could only hear his own heartbeat. Stephen's chest vibrates as he said something that Hosuh didn't catch, and finally he felt his eyes slide close.

He heard a panicked yell as he went limp, then sleep took him blissfully.

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