Movie Night?

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"Hey guys!" Hosuh shouted through the hall, closing the door behind him. He shook the plastic bags in his hands. "I got snacks!"

"Snacks!" He heard Daniel shout from upstairs, followed by a few bangs. The green-haired galloped down the stairs, snatching the bags from Hosuh's hands.

"This is now the ultimate movie night!" He yelled, throwing the bags into the air. Hosuh gave a yelp as crisps, drinks and popcorn rained down on them, rolling across the floor.

"Dan!" Hosuh scolded, laughing. "Now you've gone and shaken up the drinks!" He pointed to the bottle of Pepsi, which was now bubbling dangerously.

"It's fine I'll get Stephen and Jay to open them." Daniel grinned, scooping up the items. Hosuh giggled, sighing.

"They're gonna kill you." He pointed out.

"They can't watch the movie then!" Daniel replied, pulling Hosuh into the living room. "I did buy the TV."

A few days ago, Daniel had announced excitedly over discord that he brought a new TV. The last one had a crack in from where Stephen threw a spoon at it during a particularly frustrating episode of Friends, so the change was long awaited. So, as an opening debut, they were all going to watch a movie together.

"Where are Stephen and Jay?" Hosuh asked, reminded of their presence. Dan didn't need to answer, as they had just entered the living room.

When Hosuh last saw the room (only fifteen minutes ago) it was clean, with a few large boxes from the TV in the corner. Dan had been meaning to get rid of them, but in a true Dan fashion never had. Now, stylophone and bubble wrap was scattered across all of the furniture, and for a moment Hosuh didn't see Stephen.

The purple haired had wrapped the bubble wrap around him like a dress, strutting on the sofa like it was a catwalk. Hosuh clapped his hands, laughing.

"Go Stephen!" Hosuh cheered. In response, Stephen twirled on the spot in an exaggerated manner. Unfortunately, some of the material got caught under his foot, sending him sliding onto the floor. Unfazed, Stephen posed on the floor, pouting his lips.

"Why hello again Hosuh." Stephen greeted.

"What happened?" Hosuh said in between laughter as Dan facepalmed. "Where's Jay?"

Suddenly, the box in the centre of the room burst open, revealing Jay covered in stylophone.

"You called?" The blond asked casually. Daniel burst out laughing.

"I left you alone for five minutes..." he wheezed. "What did you do?"

Stephen and Jay didn't respond, grinning at each other.

"I actually don't want to know..."Hosuh giggled, sitting on the sofa. The new TV stared back at him – it was strange not seeing a crack.

Stephen charged onto the sofa next to Hosuh, making him give a small yell in surprise. Jay and Daniel jumped on his other side, fighting who would get the arm rest.

"Mine!" Jay growled, shoving Daniel onto the floor. The blond grinned at the green-haired, who gave a huff of annoyance.

"Fine..." Dan climbed on the seat, squeezing himself between Jay and Hosuh. "But this is my house..."

"Shut up Daniel!" Stephen and Jay shouted at the same time, making them all laugh. Daniel passed the drinks down to Hosuh, who put them on the coffee table.

"Ooh nice snacks." Jay hummed, picking a packet of popcorn and a lemonade. Dan raised his eyebrow at the odd combination. Jay shrugged.

"I'm classy."


"What movie did you guys pick?" Hosuh asked, grabbing himself a Pepsi. Daniel grinned.

"You'll see." He answered cryptically.

Hosuh opened his drink, shrieking as it exploded in his hands. Liquid sprayed all over his top and Stephen's face. Jay burst out laughing as Hosuh blinked.

"What the hell was that?" Stephen spluttered as Daniel joined in the laughter. Hosuh shook his hands, placing the bottle back on the table with the same care as a bomb.

"The bottle –" Dan couldn't finish, too caught up in his laughter. Hosuh plucked at his shirt, groaning at how messy it was.

"I'm sticky now." He noted, still in shock about the event. Stephen leaned closer to him, wiping some Pepsi off his face.

"You could always take off your shirt..." he said, wiggling his eyebrows. Hosuh blushed, smacking him playfully.

"Hey! Keep this PG!" Jay ordered, pointing at them both. Hosuh's blush deepened as Stephen laughed.

Dan was still laughing too hard to speak, but handed them some napkins.

"Thanks." Hosuh accepted them gratefully, wiping his hands and face. He tried to clean his shirt, but it had already began to dry. He couldn't fold his arms without getting them wet.

"Take this!" Stephen, who was watching his antics, dramatically pulled off his hoodie, showing the plain black t-shirt underneath. Hosuh smiled, grabbing the hoodie and pulling it over his head.

"Ouch." Daniel said as Hosuh's elbow hit his head.

"Sorry." Hosuh snuggles back onto the sofa.

The drink suddenly gave a hiss, and all of the friends shrank back – Hosuh hid behind Stephen.

"That drink is demonic." Dan said into the silence. Jay grabbed the remote, leaning in to jab it.

"Jay no!" Hosuh hissed, shrinking back further.

"We need to deal with this pest." Jay replied.

"Not the remote!" Daniel snatched the remote away, yelling as Jay tackled him. "It's new!"

"Violence is not appreciated to Stephen." Stephen plucked the remote from Daniel's fingers, and Jay day back immediately, leaning his head on the armrest.

"Lets watch the movie before movie night just becomes "night"." Hosuh said, relaxing.

"Good point." Dan tried to snatch the remote from Stephen, but only ended up smacking Hosuh in the face.

"I'm sorry!" Dan apologised immediately. Hosuh smiled, waving it off.

"You dare hit Hosuh?!" Stephen yelled, "You die!" Just as Stephen was about to lunge, Hosuh pulled him back.

"Stephen likes no violence, remember?" He giggled as Dan held up Jay's popcorn as a shield. Stephen gasped dramatically, nodding his head solemnly.

"We're watching Ready Or Not." Jay interrupted. Daniel and Stephen began to shout at Jay in sync, saying they "ruined the surprise" and "made movie night rubbish for Hosuh". Jay only shrugged, grinning. "What? Someone had to get this night going."

"Ready Or Not?" Hosuh hummed, unable you recall the title.

"We were supposed to surprise you." Stephen jammed a button on the remote, making the screen light up.

"Jay no longer has DanPlan privileges." Daniel vowed, smacking Jay around the head.

"No! My life! I shall never speak again!" Jay pleaded, making Hosuh laugh. Dan shook his head, pretending to wipe a tear from his face.

"Too late..."

"Does this film have blood in it?" Hosuh asked, eyeing the bride on the DVD cover. "I don't like blood. It looks scary."

"Don't worry Hosuh." Stephen snakes his arm around Hosuh's shoulders, and Hosuh leaned in to him. "There isn't much blood at all."

"I can't remember any blood there was so little." Jay added, grinning. "Now let's get on with this masterpiece."

PS: all the people blow up at the end of Ready Or Not.
Don't tell Hosuh ;)

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