Can You Survive On A Desert Island?

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Stephen was laughing, Jay was plotting, Dan was sleeping and Hosuh was relaxing in one of the seats.

He looked out the plane window, watching, with fascination, the clouds that drifted by them. They shone bright yellows, oranges and purples, and staring at them was hypnotic. He could feel himself drifting off.

"DisneyLand! Yeah!" Stephen shouted, waving the leaflet in the air. It had been two hours already, but he still hadn't fully cooled down. Jay was in front of them, sitting next to Dan. He looked between the crack of the seats, rolling his eyes. Hosuh gazed at him sleepily, giving him a smile.

"I swear I will end him in a minute." The blonde muttered jokingly. Stephen gave a dramatic gasp, making some of the other passengers (though there weren't many) look around.

"Do not kill my good mood!" Stephen shouted. Hosuh leapt up, shushing him by putting a hand over his mouth.

"I don't think they like our loudness..." Hosuh whispered, looking around.

"Err, well that couple in the corner were arguing before pretty loudly –" Jay began but Hosuh cut him off.

"I don't think that's the point. We have to be nice passengers. It's a small plane." Hosuh snuggles back into his chair, leaning against the window.

"Hey, you wanna play Go Fish?" Jay asked quickly into the silence. He held out his cards, shaking the pack. "Daniel's asleep so..."

"I will beat you so bad!" Stephen snatched the cards through the gap, pulling them out of the packet. Hosuh smiled, sitting up.

"Sounds fun."

"Card games are always fun on a plane flight." Jay retorted. Hosuh grabbed some cards and they began to play.

Despite his boasting, Stephen couldn't beat Jay – none of them could. When Stephen shouted at Jay for cheating the fifth time, Hosuh began to grow sleepy again, leaning against the wall. Though uncomfortable, it did the job.

He didn't even realise he was still in a game until hands gently pulled the cards from his fingers. Hosuh opened one eye, blushing.

"Sorry, I –"

"It's fine, Jay has officially bored you to sleep." Stephen said. His hand snaked around Hosuh, pulling him carefully against his side rather than the wall. Immediately, Hosuh notes that Stephen was much warmer and comfier than the wall, and closed his eyes.

"I'll wake you when we get there." Stephen told him. Hosuh gave a small nod, smiling.


"No problem."

When Hosuh was fully asleep, Jay turned to Stephen, a brow raised.

"You like him, don't you?" He asked teasingly. Stephen blushed lightly, making Jay laugh.

"Of course I do. He's cute." Stephen pulled his gaze from Hosuh, staring at the cards. "Now Go Fish."


Hosuh had woken up quickly, and at first he wasn't sure why. At a first glance, the surroundings were the same.

But as the world came into focus, so did the situation. Lights were flickering. Floor was shaking.

Stephen's face was etched in worry, cards lying forgotten on the small table. Jay and Daniel here kneeling in their seats, staring over at them.

Something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Hosuh asked, fully awake. Stephen looked at him.

"I don't know." He answered. "We don't know, but –"

A sudden jolt of the plane made him gasp, and some people screamed.

"This is your captain speaking." A smooth voice came into the radio, flooding the small area. "As some of you may have noticed, we have ran into a few difficulties on this flight. As a precaution, we are going to do an emergency landing. Follow the instructions on the leaflet in your seats. Stay calm a-a –" the speaker suddenly cut off as the plane shook again. Hosuh yelped, dogging his fingers into his seats.

"Here they are." Stephen, though his eyes shone with panic, stayed calm as he handed Hosuh one of the leaflets. Hosuh quickly glanced outside, his stomach churning at the sight of the black clouds surrounding them. Rain lashed on the windows.

"Why did we fly straight into a storm?" Hosuh asked, mainly to himself. The plane shifted again, and the ocygen masks fell from the ceiling.

"Shit." Dan swore, snatching one.

There was a sudden boom from outside, and the windows shattered. Hosuh screamed as shards flew at him; his arm shielded him for the most part, put some managed to scratch his face.

"Hosuh!" Stephen leaned over, pulling Hosuh away from the window and to the isle seat as wind howled through the opening.

Hosuh's breath hitched as he looked at his arm – the sleeve was torn up and covered in blood, some shards still wedged in the skin. By the screams from around them, Hosuh guessed that some others had been attacked by the glass.

"Shit." Jay looked over the seat, seeing Hosuh holding his arm close while gritting his teeth.

"Come on!" Stephen pulled the mask from the ceiling, holding it out for Hosuh. But he wasn't able to reach it before the plane shook again, more violently.

Flames licked upwards quickly, smoke burning the back of his throat. He shut his eyes tight as a sudden feeling of weightlessness took hold of him.

They were falling.

Everything was out of control. No staff to tell them it's fine, or it was a practice. This was real.

He heard the shouts of his friends around him, making his heart clench. He never wanted his last moments to be filled with terror.

Strong arms wrapped around him. Stephen. Hosuh wanted to say something, but he had became mute. The plane just kept falling, wind whistling past it. There was a huge lurch, a deafening bang, and the screams stopped.

Hosuh opened his eyes, eyes widening at all the sights that had stained him.

He was falling. That was the first thing he was aware of. When he looked up, he saw that the plane had finally torn itself apart, a great hole where he hand his friends had been. He couldn't see any of them however, as he stared around him.

But he saw the corpses.

They were falling like he was, but eyes lifeless, limbs dangling awkwardly. Hosuh screamed then, pleading for anyone to catch him and save him.

He span through the sky, out of control. He was seemingly alone.

There was no warning when he hit water, back stinging at the contract. The cold made his limbs freeze and he was helpless as he slowly sank under. He could only rely on the current pulling him to safety.

Something hard collided with his head – plane debris or a rock he couldn't be sure – and the world went black.


Gasping, Stephen crawled onto the sand, shivering in the cold rain. Around him was chaos.

But only one thing was in his mind in that moment, as he stood up with difficulty. It drummed in his brain, over and over.

They had to be alive.

"Jay? Hosuh? Dan?" Stephen yelled as loud as he could. Flashes of the burning passengers pressed his mind, but he pushed them away. Not now. That wasn't them.

"Anyone?!" He screamed out.

Nothing answered him.

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