Chapter 29: Business Trip.

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New year has come and gone.
The building for the pool will start tomorrow.
And Yoongi and I have to travel to Seoul.
I have decided to do a face reveal for my new book release.
I've been writing for almost 5 years and I've keep a very low profile.
But with this new book my fans are super exited they have pre-ordered thousands of copies and the book has also been translated in English.
It's going to be huge.
After thinking about it for a long time and even talking to the guys. I've decided to do a face reveal and a few fan signings as well as a couple of interviews.
Since the guys have work they can't join me.
They will be staying with Soo-ah and Do-wonie and also keeping an eye on the construction that will be taking place in our yard.
Everything has been arranged from transportation to and from work for the guys as well as transportation to and from school for the kids.
As well as food.
Jin has meal prepped an bunch of food for the guys to warm up in the microwave for their days off so that they don't burn down the house.
His words not mine.
I am in my room packing enough clothes for a week.
I have jeans and pj's already packed. Grabbing a few skirts and 2 dresses I make my way back to my suitcase only to find it empty.
I look around to see where my clothes could be only to see Jimin,Tae and Kookie standing by the door giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Guys, do you know where my clothes went?" I ask.
They immediately look to the ground.
Le sigh.
"Guys can I please have my clothes back? I need to finish packing." I tell them.
I hear a few whimpers.
"Nooooooo" Jimin whines altho it sounded more like Nuuuuu.
I smile at the warmly and open my arms.
Without hesitation they run to me and engulf me in a hug.
"You guys, I know you don't want me to go but I have to" I say.
"But why?!" Jungkookie whines.
Running my fingers gently through kookies hair I say. "Because it's my job and I owe it to my readers who have been supporting me for so long"
They pout knowing that I won't change my mind and there is no winning this.
"How about you guys help me pick outfits for the fan signing and interviews?" I ask them.
They seem to perk up at that and run to my closet to look for the perfect outfit.
They rest of the day is spent playing dress up as I try on all sorts of outfits.
Once they are satisfied they help me bring down the suitcase and put it in the car.
As I'll be driving to Seoul.
The rest of the day I spend it smothering the guys as well as Soo-an and Do-Wonie with lots of love,kisses and cuddles.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~

Waking up extra early I try my best to get out of bed without waking Jin, Jimin and Hobie who decided to sleep with me the night before.
Quietly I make my way around my room getting my morning routine done before going to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

Quietly I make my way around my room getting my morning routine done before going to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone

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Little by little everyone begins to make their way downstairs.
We all enjoy breakfast together as the kids have school and the guys have work. Or at least try.
I know they are upset that I have to leave but they also understand that I have to work.
We make small talk.
They guys get Soo-ah and Do-Wonie ready saying that they need to practice.
I let them do their thing.
The kids school bus will be here any minute and I take the opportunity to smother them and hug them both tightly.
"Im gonna miss you" I whine.
Everyone laughs at me.
"We will miss you too auntie" Soo- ah says.
"Please be good and listen to the guys okay?"I say.
"Don't worry auntie,I'll help around and make sure everyone stays out of trouble" She says proudly.
I laugh at her cuteness.
"Good thing I have you to keep this place under control" I say.
Giving her and Do-Won one last kiss as the bus is coming up the driveway to pick them up.
We all go back in the house. I begin to do the dishes and the guys get their stuff and wait for their ride.
Jin comes to me and gives me a back hug.
"Our ride is here" He simply states.
I give him a sad smile.
" Don't be sad because you will make me sad. Its just a week and we will text and FaceTime" he says.
I simply nod knowing he is right.
Wrapping his arms around my waste he pulls me to his chest and kisses me.
The kiss is deep and needy.
Wrapping my hands around his neck I kiss back with just as much need. Pulling back he smiles and walks out.
Tae stand in front of me grabbing me from the back of my neck and smashing his lips on mine.
Once he is done assaulting my lips he rubs his nose to mine and leaves.
I just stand there in a daze.
I begin to do the dishes again.
When Hobi and Namjoon get my attention and inform me that their ride is here.
Drying my hands I hug Hobi.
He gives me a bight smile. "We will talk later" he says and tenderly kisses me as our tongues dance with each other.
He gives me a las kiss and walks out.
Turning to Namjoonie he gives he is dimple smile.
" Good luck with everything and keep us updated" he says.
" Will do" I say.
Moving closer he whispers "Im going to miss these lips" before kissing me.
His kiss is dominant and I love every minute of hit.
Pulling back he kisses my forehead and leaves.
I finish cleaning everything and make my way to the living room where Jimin,Kookie and Yoongi are sitting around.
Taking the space between Kookie and Jimin the immediately cuddle me.
We stay like this until their ride arrives.
Jimin looks at me and pouts.
"We will talk everyday right?" He say.
"Of course my little panda" I reassure him.
"You won't forget about us right?" He asks.
I smile at his cuteness.
"That's impossible" I say putting my hands on either side of his face and tenderly kissing him. Trying to convey all my love in this kiss.
Pulling back he whispers. " I love you Noona"
My heart does a little flip.
"And I love you my little panda" I kiss his nose and turn too Jungkookie.
Jungkookie hugs me tightly.
"You are not allowed to look at other guys" he says.
And I cant help but laugh.
"Don't worry, I only have eyes for you guys." Looking up at him I smile.
He kisses me.
A very sloppy kiss but I love every minute of it.
He hugs me one more time before turning to Yoongi.
"Hyung take care of her" he says.
"I got her, you watch out for the other" Yoongi says and the 3 of them hug.
Yoongi looks at me and says. "And then there were 2"
I just humm.
The rest of the time we just clean up until the construction crew arrives and I sign a few papers before we leave.
Looking at the house one last time.
I get on the car and text the guys letting them know that we are leaving.

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