Chapter 15: Storm day 1 part 1

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Waking up to my personal alarm called Do-Won. Who wakes me up bright and early every single day.
Checking the time. 7:05 am figures. I get him from his crib to change his diaper and clothes. Back in my room, I let him crawl around while I wash my face and brush my teeth.
Before going downstairs, I check on Soo-ah to see if she is still sleeping. And she is. Reaching the kitchen I hear a commotion only to find Jin scolding Namjoon. While the young ones Taehyungie, Kookie, and Chimmine watch.
"Seriously Namjoon! How can you so careless we are here as guests and you already broke a mug and a plate!" Jin yells in exasperation.
"Hyung I didn't do it on purpose," Namjoon says sadly. Awww.
Making my self know I cough catching their attention.
"Good morning guys," I say giving them a sleepy smile. I really want to go back to bed. The others murmur a few 'hey's' and 'good mornings'.
Namjoon immediately begins to apologize and I cut him off. Gosh, he looked like he was about to cry.
"Joonie it was an accident, plus it's just a plate and a mug. I'm more worried that you got hurt it cut your finger" I say as I examine his hands.
"Just make sure you sweep the floor properly so that no one hurts themselves" I pet his head and pub his ear. His tail sways. Do-won joins in and pets Joonie not so gently.
Looking at all of them I say "You guys are up early" at that Hoseok walks in rubbing his eyes. "Good morning," he says and sits next to Taehyng and snuggles up to him. Without realizing it I awwed out loud causing them to laugh at me. "You good there y/n-ah?" asks Jin. I just pout. "They are so cute," I say making Hoseok and Tae blush and the others to laugh.
Putting Do-Won on his high chair I place him next to Jimin.
Walking to the fridge I begin to take out ingredients for breakfast.
Still looking through the fridge I ask. "What do you guys say about pancakes with fruit, eggs, and sausage? " looking at them I see ears twitching and tails swaying. I guess that's a yes. As I were to take out pans and stuff in walks next to me "y/n-ah can I help you cook?"
I look at him for a minute. "Do you know how to cook?" I ask not many hybrids know how to. Well, I mean at least the ones I knew off didn't.
He shyly grabs his tail and nervously runs his hand through it. "Our old M- Owner made me cook for her so I know how to. But not the fancy stuff. I hate cooking that. She seemed to like it tho..." he trails off lost in thought. Looking around they are all looking to the floor remembering something shameful? Sad? I can't really decipher the look on their faces. But one thing I know for sure. Whoever that old owner is...if I ever see her I will slap her...with my first.
"From what I gather your old owner wouldn't let you eat until she was done and she made you cook?" I ask. Knowing is a touchy subject but wanting to know more.
"Sh-she made us clean the entire house all day," Jimin said.
"Sh-she only allowed us to eat leftover and if we ate her food she would beat us... And lock us in the basement," Hoseok says lowly.
Hearing this breaks my heart. Hearing things like this makes me lose faith in Humanity. And it's not the first time I hear a story like this. Many of the hybrids that were brought to the center my brother worked at had similar stories if not worse.
"Your old owner sounds like a Bitch," I say feeling myself get angry. How can people be so fucked up? Their heads shoot up and looks at me with wide eyes. "If I ever see her in going to high-five her face with my fist" I mumble as I get back to my task in hand. Turning to Jin and the other I say." Jin you don't have to cook if you don't want to, and nothing fancy whatever that might mean and as for cleaning, I don't expect you guys to clean the house from top to bottom. But if you do make a mess just clean after yourself." They all smile at me. "Thank you noona," Jungkookie says.
"I actually enjoy cooking and I don't mind doing it if it for you and the guys," Jin says.
"Okay, then let's get to it. We have lots of mouths to feed" and with that, we get to work moments later a sleepy Yoongi with Soo-ah in his arms walk in the kitchen. They snuggle and stay that way until we set their plates in front of them. They all dig in. After breakfast jungkookie and Jimin are in charge of doing the dishes. Jin's orders. He is such a mom. I love it.
The rest of the guys go do their own thing. Taking Do-Won to the living room I get his toys and let him crawl around and play. As I go through some e-mails from my editor and publisher.
Tea sits on the floor and plays with Do-Won. Moments later Jiminie and Kookie join. I watch them for a bit. The three young hybrids amazed by the little human and Do-Won loving all the attention he is getting from the hybrids.
Getting back to work I answer a few more emails before walking to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. When I hear a loud bang and a Do-Won's gut-wrenching scream. Forgetting my tea I run to the living room to find the three young hybrids crying their eyes out as they try to counsel they crying baby all hugging each other. Oh my!
I hear footsteps behind me. Guessing the other heard and came to check what was going on.
Walking to the hybrids I sit next to them. Do-Won extends his arms to me and I take him and coo rubbing my hand on his back." Hey, hey it's okay Do-wonie, I got chu Baby!" I say.
Looking at the 3 young hybrids who are still uncontrollably crying. Fear was written all over their faces. Now that Do-Won has calmed down it was time to comfort the crying hybrids.
"Hey, guys what happened? Please don't cry" i say gently.
Since Do-won was sitting on my lap snuggling to me. I grab Tae's hand and rub my thumb on it. With my other hand, I run it through Jungkookies hair. Looking at Jimin in the eyes. "Guys take deep breaths that will help. Deep breath. Breath out" they do as told and it helps a bit.
The others sit on the couch as the watch, also wanting to know what happened.
"Could you guys please tell me what happened?" As I say they whimper.
"We-we w-were..." Jimin says before he starts to sob again. "Please don't punish us it was an accident" he cries. "Please don't throw us out, we will be good" cried Tea. As he and Jimin Hug each.
Oh my!
"Guys I won't punish you or throw you out but could you please tell me what happened"
Jungkookie holds my hand. "We-we were playing with Do-won and-and he started to stand up he-he was going to walk and he fell and hit his head and the toy he was holding banged on the table." He says in shame. Sniffling a bit.
I place Do-won next to me and give him a few toys. Moving close to the young cuties.
"Guys, it okay. Plus it wasn't your fault. He is at that stage that he is trying to walk by himself and it's not the first time he has fallen and it won't be the last." I hug each of them and place a soft kiss on their heads. "Thank you for worrying about him and for comforting him," I say as I rub their ears.
At that, I feel Do-Won holding on to my shirt as he tries to stand up. Walking sideways he makes his way to Jungkookie. "See guys! He's back at it again. There's no stopping this baby" I say laughing. They lovingly look at Do-Won. "And you mister, almost gave your hyung's a heart attack, you also made them cry," I say as I poke his chubby belly he giggles and continues to make his way to Jimin.
Smiling, happy that all is solved I go back to the couch and sit next to Hobi. He lays his head on my shoulder."That was scary huh?" Says Hobi. I just nod As I keep an eye on the troublemaking baby and 3 very overprotective hybrids. As the rest of us make small talk.

Finally an update! Yaay!
Again sorry it has taken me so long.
Thank for all the love this story has received.
Even tho I still doubt myself and think this sucks. Your encouraging messages help a lot.

 Your encouraging messages help a lot

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