Chapter 24: Girl talk & Friendships.

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Same day
Continue from the last chapter.

Twenty minutes later and Hani barges in the house. "Where is my badass bitch?!" She shouts.
"Hello to you too, please do come in," I say sarcastically.
She walks straight to me and hugs me. I wince in pain. "I am so proud of you. But girl you look rough" she says looking me up and down.
"You should see the other person" I smirk.
And we both laugh.
Some caught and Hani turns to see the guys awkwardly sitting there.
She gasps. "Omg! It's so nice to meet you, y/n has told me quite a bit about you guys" she bows.
"My name is Hani, I am baekhuns mom and I was the one in charge of your adoption papers." The boys now.
"Y-you smell like the cop," Taehyng said.
Jin smacks him on the arm. "It's rude to say stuff like that" Jin scolds and Tae pouts.
Hani laughs. "It's all good, the cop is my Fiancee" she explains and they all nod.
Going through her bag Hani pulls out two little boxes with what looks like medicine.
"These are antibacterial creams for hybrids" she passes them to me.
"Tae, Kookie come here so I can put this on you" they obey and I treat their wounds.
Hani watches as I treat them and give them a kiss.
"Damn girl, you got all the snacks," she says looking at the guy before wiggling her eyebrows at me.
I roll my eyes at her.
"I should go get the kids, you rest and the movie night can wait for another day," she says getting off the couch.
Getting up after her. "What?! No! The movie night is not canceled plus the kids have been looking forward to it. How about you and Kai join us too?" I ask.
"Would that be okay? I really want to hang out with you" she pouts.
I just nod.
Looking behind me she asks " Would it be okay if my family joins you for the movie night?" She asks the guys.
They all looked shocked but masked it quickly.
"The more the merrier," said Joonie as the other nod.
"Great! I'll text Kai. The car seats are in the truck?" She asks.
"Yup, the truck is unlocked too. Need help?" I yell as she walks away.
"Nah I got it. See ya in a bit". Looking at the guys she says " Make sure she stays seated and that she rests" before walking out of the house.
Hoseok helped me sit back down on the couch. "You heard her," he says. And sits next to me.
"She seems nice" Jimin comments
"Are you guys really okay with the movie night and everything?" I ask.
"Yeah don't worry. Plus we will help with the kids while you rest" Jin chined in.
"Thank you guys," I mumble.
"We should be the ones thank you, you are the one that fought for us, you have done more for us in the past month than anyone has ever done for us in our entire lives," Yoongi speaks.
"It was nothing" I yawn.
"Fighting is exhausting" I mumble as I snuggle up to Hoseok before drifting off.

Hybrids P.O.V

The 7 hybrids watch as Y/n drifts off to sleep.
"I don't understand," Jimin says as he watches the beautiful woman sleeping.
"What do you mean hyung"? Jungkook asks.
" What did we do to deserve someone like her?" He asks in confusion.
"Nothing, we don't deserve her, but I'm so selfish that I want to keep here even if I'm undeserving of her," Yoongi says.
Still shook of what he witnessed the woman do for them not too long ago.
"She really is one of a kind," Hoseok said as he gently brushed off the hair off Y/n's face.
Jungkook gets up and picks Y/n off the couch.
"I'm taking her to bed. The kids will get here soon and wake her up" he explains.
Jin gets up too. "We should tidy up here since there will be guests" and the guys get to work.

{Time a lazy b }

After her nap walk downstairs.
Jungkook got up and huge her.
"How are you feeling Noona?" He asked still worried about her.
"I'm good, I feel better after that nap. Thanks for asking" she says and kissed the young hybrid before greeting her guests.
Y/n walks to the kids and hugs them all and kisses them. While the adults and hybrids all watch.
Once done she made her way to Hani and Kai
She greets Kai and the officer that helped today. His name is Chen.
Y/n then kisses the guys and their tails sway as they all enjoy the feeling of her lips on their cheek.
Y/n and Hani make their way to the kitchen to prepare the  snack and order the pizza.
Leaving the 7 hybrids with the two humans.
The hybrids begin to feel nervous as it is the first time the interaction with humans and since they don't know them well are on guard.
"So are you guys okay after what happened today?" Chen asks.
The hybrids are a bit shocked at first.
Jin clears his throat before answering. "We are okay. It was scary not gonna lie but I think we are more worried about y/n and her injuries." He admitted.
"And guilty" Jimin whispered. Putting his head down.
"I see, I haven't known y/n for long but from what I've gathered she is the kind of person that would fight no matter what for what she loves. She would have fought the crypt keeper sooner or later it was inevitable" Kai measured the guys.
They all laughed at Y/n nickname for Ms.Wang.
"The crypt keeper?! that's the best diss I have ever heard" Chen says laughing.
"Y/n-ah is savage like that" Yoongi says proudly.
"H-hyung....I-i mean-" Jungkook trailed off dying a little bit inside. He immediately thought he messed up.
Kai saw the bunny hybrid panic. "You can call me hyung," he said.
Chen nodded "You can call me hyung too" they hybrids all felt grateful that the two human cops accepted them and treated them so nicely.
"H-hyung, you are a cop. Do you like your job?" Jungkook asked. Curious as he always tried to imagine what it would be like to have a job like humans. They all had imagined what it would be like.
"Hmmm... It's sometimes fun, sad, scary depending on the type of situations we are dealing with" Kai explained.
"Like everything in life, there are good days and bad days. Have you guys ever had a job?" Chan added.
The hybrids all shook their heads. Their ears plopping on top of their heads.
"Have you ever thought of getting one?" Chen asked.
"No, I like sleeping" Yoongi answers.
They all laughed at his answer.
"I've always wanted to get a job," Tae said as he bounced on his seat.
"If you guys ever want to there are a few places that are looking for hybrids," Kai said.
The hybrids perked up hearing this. And scoot closed to the humans.
Making Chen and Kai chuckle at their cuteness.
"Really?! Where hyung?!" Jimin asked excitedly.
"Well, we are looking for hybrids at the station to help when we find abused or injured hybrids. It's only 3 days a week." Chen said.
"Also Hani needs hybrids to help calm down the rescued hybrids that come and don't trust anyone" Kai added.
"Oh and well... My girlfriend owns a hybrid friendly cafe and is looking for help too." Chen informed them.
The hybrids got excited about this. 'Would Y/n let us' they asked themselves.
"Do you think noona would let us?" Tae asked his family.
"We will have to ask," Namjoon said.
They all noted lost in their own thoughts until they were distracted about the little talk Y/n was having with   Hani. Completely offering about the kids that were playing and the two-man that was in front of them they ears dropped. Hope and Joy bloomed and they heard Y/n's words. Smiles crept on their faces as they heard their angle explain how she really felt to her best friend in the other room.
"You know it's rude to ears drop on other people's conversation," Chen said. Making the hybrids look at the two humans. They all blushes as they were caught doing something they weren't supposed to.
"You love her don't you?" Kai asked.
All nod looking anywhere but the humans. As they all turn an even brighter shade of red.
"It's weird isn't it?" Tae asked. Still, not looking at them.
"What is?" Chan asked.
"All 7 of us loving noona and being okay with sharing her" Hoseok answered.
"Love is love if you all love each other and are happy who am I to judge," Kai said. Chen nodded agreeing with his friend.
The 7 hybrids we're once again out of sort. Amazed at how awesome kind and friendly these guys were.
"I wish you guys the best of luck" Chen added and they all felt more comfortable. Happy that they made two more friends. But also thinking about what they heard Y/n say in the kitchen.

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