Chapter 10: Should i stay or should i go

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Everyone is really quiet just looking at me.
Maybe this was a bit much.
Not wanting to deal with this awkwardness. I just smile.
"Well, I should go before this kids wake up" showing them the monitor screen.
"What's that?" Wonders the bunny.
"This is a baby monitor, it's so that I can keep an eye on the kids and hear when they wake up. In case I am in another room in the house." I explain passing the monitor to him "See? That's Soo-ah and Do-Won sleeping"  they just stare at the screen. Wonder and amazement are written all over their faces.
"I should go..." The bunny hangs me back the monitor.
" The offer stands, just think about it. At the end of the day its all up to you. Bye guys" I now to them and walk back home.
I am walking trying to make sure I don't get lost when I hear behind me. Y/n wait up"
Jin and the puppy are approaching me.
"What's up? Do you guys need something?"
Confused as to why they are here and not with the others.
With a boxy smile, the puppy says " We will walk you out of the woods, I don't want you to trip and die" humor in his voice.
While Jin just chuckles.
"Of course you guys heard that" I laugh.
We keep walking in comfortable silence.
Reaching the edge if the woods they stop walking.
Turning to them I shyly smile.
"Thank you for walking me out of the wood, I probably would have gotten out of there injured in some sort of way." They laugh at me.
"So thank you Jin and... I don't know your name sorry" I apologize to the puppy hybrid.
"Ah! My name is Taehyung but you can call me Tae or Tae Tae"
"Well thank you, Jin and Tae, bye" I wave at them and walk in the house.

Hybrids p.o.v:
Once Jin and Taehyung  came back the all sat down and talked.
Namjoon being somewhat of a leader figure speaks up first. "What do you guys think?" Referring to what Y/n has told him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to agree to her offer. But they were a team a pack and they had to decide together.
"I don't trust her" Yoongi spoke up.
But deep down he knew that she wasn't like their old owner. He has watched her since she moved to  into her house,They all have. She was Sweet and caring and at times she looked very tired.
Jin being the rational one decided to speak up. He knew the beautiful girl was genuinely nice and didn't want anything in return but to just help them.
"Do you guys feel scared or in danger when she is around?" He asked his family.
The all shook their heads. He was surprised that even the shy bunny didn't feel scared around her.
"We have all heard many things from Soo-ah about Y/N and we have watched her as we hide in the woods. And we have all agreed that she is harmless." Seeing as the other ones were taking serious consideration to everything he was saying. "We have personally met her and she was really nice, she showed us respect, us, who are considered animals and treated as such. She bowed to us and thanked us. She is different. And you all know that. Plus there is also the fact that there is a huge storm coming. Where will we go? Do you guys honestly think we will survive this storm? We are not prepared for it. What will we eat? I think we should vote" confidently Jin looked at each and everyone of the guys in the eyes and said. "Whoever thinks we should take her offer raise your hand"
Looking around he nodded.
"It is settled then"

What do you guys think they decided to do? Stay in the wood or take y/n offer?

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