Rescue (1/3)

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(Sabine POV)

It had been a week since I confessed my feelings about Ezra to Hera. I felt conflicted, the man that I love wants to kill me. I and he were going on a mission, just the two of us, Hera told me to contact her if Ezra tried anything. We were sent out to Lothal there was an imperial ship that had two pilots captive. 

(No POV)

Little did the two rebels know Thrawn had set up a trap to capture any rebels that dared to rescue them, well... not really a trap? But brute force and a hundred stormtroopers 

"Grand Admiral, we have had reports of a rebel ship known as the 'Phantom' has entered the sector," Said an Officer, Thrawn was taken back by this unexpected arrival.

"Enable the tractor beam," Thrawn said

(Sabine POV)

"Ugh, we've been caught the a tractor beam," I said, I looked over at Ezra.

"Not just any tractor beam, Thrawn's tractor beam," he said coldly, "Sabine?"
I knew that at the time only one destroyer was at Lothal, but it just had to be Thrawn's!

"What is it?" 

"I don't want you to stop me from what I'll do to Thrawn," He said his eyes flashing yellow for a few seconds, not wanting him to crush my windpipe I replied,

"Wouldn't think it for a second, Thrawn is a bastard." 

"Thank you," Ezra said.

(Ezra POV)

We had been pulled into Thrawn's hanger, troopers surrounded our ship. 

"Let's do this" Sabine said putting on her mask, I nodded, we went outside the ship and no less than around 50 troops were all around us, I activated my Lightsaber and Sabine drew her pistols. The troopers all started to fire as soon as we drew our weapons, not wasting any time I dashed up to a stormtrooper and sliced down his torso,

"No! that was my-" 

"I could have sworn his head was still on his shoulders" I chuckled, quickly dashing through four other stormtroopers one attempted to hit me over the head with his gun, I stopped him with my hand and I plunged my Lightsaber into his chest, taking it out of his now motionless body, I looked over to Sabine she fought well but I noticed a trooper taking aim behind her as I noticed one behind me, I held my lightsaber in reverse and stabbed the trooper, I saw the trooper about to pull the trigger, 

"NO!" I yelled out as I picked him up using the force, begging to choke him, Sabine looked back to see him in the air, it did not take long for his windpipe to be shattered and we went back to fighting, I deflected seven shots three of them connecting with Stormtroopers, once again I saw Sabine in trouble I was about to use the force to push away the trooper behind Sabine about to hit her in the head with his blaster when one trooper grazed my arm, I quickly turned around and sliced off his hand, then decapitating him. I looked back over to Sabine, but she had dealt with them.

More troopers converged on us, but I threw my lightsaber, a few seconds later the top halves of their bodies fall off. Eventually, one trooper was left I sensed his fear as he frantically said,

(Sabine POV)

"Please d-don't kill me..." I saw the last trooper tripping over himself as Ezra looked over his body but Ezra showing no remorse used the force to push the troopers head down on the ground Ezra put his Lightsaber into the ground next to the trooper and dragged it across, I couldn't watch it. both sides of the ship looked vastly different, One side had dead bodies all along the ground the other had body parts all along the ground.

"Well... we certainly had our ways of dealing with them," I said "And uh... thanks for saving my life, Ezra I can't thank you enough," I said.

"Yeah... you're welcome Sabine," He said in a warm tone and he had smiled, smiled! it was the first time in months he had shown another emotion apart from frustration or sadness. "And uh, yeah, you could say that we had our own ways of dealing with the bucket-heads," he said, "We need to keep moving these pilots won't last long with Thrawn," 

"Agreed" I swiftly said, Ezra had dropped a tear, let's just say that his time with Thrawn was the most brutal thing I had ever seen. Ezra grasped his cybernetic leg. 

"Hey, Ezra we're going to get them out," I said putting my hand on his back

"I know, Sabine." 

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