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"Ooohh my god, oh my god, EZRA!" Yelled Hera

Ezra collapsed to the ground lying next to Sabines unconscious body

"Hera, we need to get these two to the medical bay, Sabines only Unconcious and Ezra only shot his side we have a chance to save him," Kanan said somewhat calmly 

Hera ran outside with carrying sabine over her shoulder Kanan following close behind her with Ezra, Hera allowed Kanan to sprint past her as she knew that Ezra needed the most help.

"Master Jedi, why are you here? who is in trouble you looked worried" Asked Wedge who was sitting by one of his fellow pilots who had been nearly shot down in a battle

"Its Ezra" Kanan said frantically

"What happened to him who attacked him?!" Asked Wedge with an equally frantic tone

"Ezra he... he has just attempted suicide," Said Kanan

"Holy shit!" Wedge had a million questions but had no time, Kanan had gone and placed Ezra on one of the medical beds as he informed the medical droids, Hera came in and put Sabine on the next bed next to Ezras.

"What is happening?!" Mon Mothma said, having come in after hearing the commotion. Kanan continued to watch over as the medical droid went to work on his young apprentice, holding back tears.

"Mon Mothma, Sabine has been knocked unconscious by Ezra and-"

"Ezra knocked out Sabine?!" Mon Mothma interrupted Hera, "Well what the hell happened to Bridger?! He is unconscious too!"

"Okay, Okay Okay, Well Ezra had attempted to shoot himself but Sabine had tackled him before he could do it, Ezra, still wanting to kill himself, picked up Sabine with the force and began to choke her being annoyed that she had stopped him. When I and Kanan got there we saw him choking her, after shouting at each other, he pushed Sabine into a wall I guess she hit her head because she fell unconscious immediately, Ezra attempted to shoot himself but Kanan pushed his arm and it hit his torso," Hera explained 

"Oh my..." Mon Mothma gasped at the explanation

Two weeks later

"Oh... ugh, my head" Sabine moaned "Wait where am I? Oh the medical bay, god what happened" It was night so no one was there.

"Sabine Wren, you are awake," Said a Medical droid 

"What happened to me?" Sabine asked

"You were knocked out," said the droid. The memory flashed back into her head.

"Where is Ezra?" She asked with an annoyed tone but a frantic look covered her face

"Just next to you"

"Ezra?" Sabine spotted Ezra laying next to her on a separate bed, expecting him to be on a chair next to her she was taken back by the sight of her friend laying in a bed, shirtless with a visible patch, faded black seeping through the bandage. He was hooked up to machines. Sabine feared the worst

"What happened to him?" Asked Sabine frightened about what happened to Ezra,

"He attempted suicide, and the bolt hit his abdomen." The droid explained. Sabine almost broke down in tears. "You should get rest Sabine Wren," said the droid.

6 Hours later

(Sabine POV)

I yawned as I woke up from my sleep, I looked over at Ezra he was awake

"Sabine, I've been needing to tell you something..." I looked over at him,

"What is it, Ezra?"

"Before I go, I love you Sabine"

"Before you go? what do you mean Before you go?!" His skin started to turn pale, I looked over at his heart monitor, 64 BPM, 58 BPM, 47 BPM, I couldn't move I could even talk I tried to shout but a whimper only came out. "0 BPM" 

"EZRA!" I shouted as I bolted up from that nightmare, some of the medics were there when it happened, they all rushed over to me. I didn't realise how loud I was when I shouted out his name because Hera, Zeb, and Chopper heard all the way at the Ghost which was landed a good distance away, Hera going mum mode, rushed over to me and latched her arms around me and after a few seconds moving backwards and placing her hands on my cheeks

"I'm so glad you're awake," Hera said with a smile spread from cheek to cheek. Chopper and Zeb followed in soon after Chopper making very happy beeps

"It's good to see you too, Chopper," I said, "What's going to happen to Ezra?" I said with a sad and worried tone.

"We don't know yet but it's not all bad news, the medical droid said that he has a 73% chance of surviving," Hera said

"Thank the force," I said with a gleeful look and a tone I don't think I have expressed in quite some time, again though, it made Hera think about it.

(No POV)

"I'm glad she is awake," Hera said

"Yeah, but did you pick up on how she talked about Ezra's condition?" Zeb said

"I know, she seemed frantic about if he'd be okay," Hera said with a more serious tone of voice.

"And she seemed really happy, maybe too happy when you told her about how he had a 73% chance of living, but it's probably just because she's worried right?"

"Yeah but to top it off she yelled out Ezra's name when she woke up," Said Hera

¿how did it come to this?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora