A day off

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(Hera POV)

Finally! my crews day off, well... except for Zeb, he was on the last month of his undercover mission. I made some Space waffles and a cup of caf and just sat outside on the Ghosts ramp, enjoying my breakfast. After I had finished up my breakfast and put away my plate and cup of caf.

"You're up early Hera," Said a voice

"Huh? who's that?" I Asked

"Aw, you don't recognise me?" I finally realised who it was,

"Ah, Wedge, sorry," I said

"No need captain! have fun on your day off!" Wedge said, running to go get into his ship,

"Oh, I will!"

I realised that I needed to tell Sabine something, Ezra had stopped cursing her name and started to have a normal sleep schedule now! I went to Sabine's room, walking in slowly but then I noticed something... Sabine wasn't in her room? She is never up this early in the morning, especially on a day off. 'Maybe, Ezra had something to do with this' I thought.

"Ezra, I swear if you have done anything with Sabine, I'm gonna kill you" I whispered to myself, I opened the door quietly and saw them. 'Ezra and Sabine slept together?' I thought to myself in shock. Sabine had her head on Ezra's shoulder, she was half curled up in a ball and had her right hand on Ezra's chest, and Ezra was sleeping on Sabine's soft hair. 'That was... unexpected' I thought 'I should get a picture this is adorable to look at' I quickly took a photo, making sure to cover up the speakers so that it wouldn't make a loud noise, waking them up. I went back to my cabin just to process what happened, I ended up falling asleep.

(Sabine POV)

2 Hours Later

I woke up still having my head leaning against Ezra's shoulder and he was still sleeping on my head, I couldn't move because that would wake him up so I just snuggled with him closer. I enjoyed that for at least another 10 minutes until Ezra woke up.

"Good morning Ezra," I softly told him

"Good morning Sabine," Ezra yawned. We both stood up and looked at each other "Um, hey Sabine?"

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked

"Thanks, about last night. It really made me feel better" He said rubbing the back of his neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest.

"Anything to make my-" boyfriend  "-friends feel better," I told him. After ten seconds of cuddling each other, we walked out of his cabin and a few seconds later so did Hera

"Hey you two," Hera said 

"Good morning Hera," Me and Ezra said

"Uh, Sabine? come to my quarters I need to tell you something," Hera asked with a happy look

"Yeah, sure," I said

"Oh and Ezra, please put a shirt on?" Hera chuckled, Ezra smiled and went into his cabin, Hera took note of two things: He smiled and the scares on his back. I and Hera got into her cabin.

"Sabine, I need to tell you something," Hera said happily

"What is it?" I asked

"Ezra has stopped saying that he wants to kill you and has started to sleep normally now" Hera smiled at me. 

"Oh, he has? that's great!" I had figured that out now, of course, I'd be dead, for god's sake I slept with him! I smiled at the thought, I had slept with him! 
(Dirty minds going oop)

"Also Sabine... have you seen the scars on Ezra's back?" Hera asked in a now worried tone.

"Yeah, I've uh... seen them," I said, I knew what she would ask next.

"Do you know, how? he got them," she asked.

"Yes, I know how. I just don't know if he'd be comfortable with me telling you," I said rubbing the side of my arm,

"Go ask him if you can tell me then," Hera said,

"Okay, I will," I said. I walked back out into the main room, spotting Ezra sitting down on the couch.

"Hey Ezra," I said 

"Hi Sabine," he said back

"Look, Ezra Hera knows about the scars on your back, and she wants to know how you got them, can I tell her?" I asked

"Shit" Ezra muttered 'She must have seen me walk back into my cabin' Ezra thought to himself "Yeah... uh, sure Sabine, you can tell her..." he said looking down,

"Alright, thank you, Ezra," I said, walking back into Hera's cabin.

"Ezra said that I could tell you Hera," I said leaning against a wall,

"Alright, what happened?"

"Well, when Ezra was around 11 he had stolen three melooruns from a store and attempted to flee by getting to an alleyway but the owner had already somehow gotten there before he did. Ezra accepted that it would be a foodless night after he tried to run back but was stopped by presumably two other workers or guards of some sort, so he put the melooruns on the ground. When he tried to walk back to climb up the wall, the owner grabbed him by his collar when Ezra walked past and he pulled out a knife," Hera's eyes widened at the explanation "I guess you could put together what happened next and after the store owner did it he left Ezra there, to die." I explained, somehow I explained it pretty calmly.

"How could someone do that to an 11-year-old?!" Hera yelled, Ezra heard and came to Hera's cabin.

"Because Lothal is unforgiving against thieves" Ezra chimed in.

¿how did it come to this?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat