shaken- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

"What was it about?"

"I saw death all around me," you croaked out, blinking back tears, "and there was no way of escape. People were dying right before my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. You were there, and I was too late to save you, I was too late to save the team. It felt so real, Steve, it-"

"I know, I know," he murmured in a low voice, rubbing your back. His eyes showed a gentle concern in them, and when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders you didn't flinch at the contact, instead being soothed by it. Allowing him to pull you close, he spoke to you in a soft and soothing voice, his words comforting and covering you like a blanket.

You attempted to stifle your sobs by covering your mouth with your hand, but it didn't do you any use. Heaving sobs clawed their way up and ripped through your chest and you were overcome by a heavy flood of tears, spilling over the brims of your eyes and slipping down your cheeks.

But he didn't say anything and simply held you there in silence as you sobbed into his chest, telling you that everything was going to be okay. You didn't have to tell him with words that his company alone was all that you needed at the moment because you couldn't stand to be by yourself with your thoughts.

"I haven't been sleeping," you admitted quietly after several minutes passed by without either one of you saying anything. "After I get woken up I can't get back to bed, so I just don't sleep-"

"How long has this been going on for?"

"Uh...five days..."

"Y/N..." his brows knitted together in concern, the worry clear in his tone as he spoke. "Why didn't you say anything about it to anyone else, or to me, for that matter?"

"I didn't want you to feel pressured to constantly watch over me," you mumbled. "I'd feel bad if you did."

"You shouldn't feel bad," he sighed, "I don't like seeing you suffer. You've already gone through enough as it is, and it'd make me feel better knowing that you didn't feel burdened by the weight on your shoulders."


Neither one of you felt like falling asleep and Steve didn't want to let you out of his sight for the time being, so you ended up deciding to pull an all-nighter together. The majority of it was spent sitting on the couch in the lounge wrapped up in thick blankets, drinking hot chocolate and talking about whatever came to mind.

It seemed as if you could talk for hours, until Steve stopped and looked down to check his phone.

"It's 5:26," he stated.


"We can go out and catch the sunrise, if you want," he offered. "Nice way to relax and unwind. It's going to happen in a few minutes, though, so we should probably hurry."

"Sure, that sounds nice," you shrugged, setting down your mug on the coffee table and following him out to the massive patio, leaning against the railing as he stood besides you. The patio was probably one of your favorite locations in the entire compound. You loved where the HQs was situated, in the woods not too far from downtown New York and near a wide, winding river, providing the most stunning views of the city and water at the same time.

You could barely hear the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, and the tall skyscrapers of NYC peeking through the tops of the tall trees.

"Look," he whispered, pointing ahead at the horizon, a thin, fine line. "Can you see it?"

"Mhm," you followed to where he was pointing and could see a sliver of sun peeking over, its rays beginning to spread out around it. Color slowly began to seep into the pale grey sky, a soft orange cresting over the tops of the trees and illuminating the water of the winding river beneath with a hazy glow.

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