Lighten Up!~☆{GenoXReaper}

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It finally happened.Reaper, using the power of reaped sinful souls, he could use their power to be able to touch thinsg without them dying, including monsters.Reapers new power had made him go around, usually scaring other sanses, threatning to touch them, got them pinned and touches them without anything happening.Granted, it was quite funny with Killer, since hes a squirmish baby.But never again with Nightmare and Error.Sheesh
Those two are complete hotheads.
They absoluetly had a big fighting battle with death.Error ended up losing, while Nightmare one, due to his helping tentacles.Man, those things hurt like whips towards Reaper.But....his cute friend-BEST friend *cough cough* Geno.He hasnt revealed it yet.But as Reaper was getting ready to go, he wanted to try a ....different type of prank on him~

Geno was sitting in the save button.He glanced up at it, before curling up onto the ground, lying down.His scarf covered his mouth, his glitchy eye flicking and switching while his small white pupils dialated."How long will it be . . . Before i can leave this place. . . ".Geno would ask that question to himself repeatedly.The poor skeleton was stuck there...for so escape...he just had to lay there all day.He let out a small smiffle before his wide eyes started slowly tearing up with red glossy tears as he sobbily mumbled."I-i just want to leave.....i want my family back....i want m-my friends back....i-i want t-to be f-f-free..." the poor sleleton continued sobbing for an eternity...thats all he could do.Cry and groan, complain and sob, rage and scream.

A portal opened behind Geno silently as a mischevious Reaper poked his head through, smirking, but imediatley looked concerned as he saw Geno sobbing.But he knew he could cheer him up with the good news and his next action.He slowly stepped through and sikently closed the portal, tip toeing over next to Geno.He sat down behind him, still not making any sound, and waited...

Geno finally sat up instead of lying down, and death imediatley wrapped his arm around genos waist, making Geno scream with the fright and started struggling.when he turned, his eyes imediatley widened.."R-reaper?....h-how am i-i not d-d-d-dead?".Reaper winked and let out a deep chuckle in response, as he stuck his hand up genos shirt and started stroking one lower rib, making geno flinch and imediatley burst out into giggles.His bones were so sensitive, since they havent been really touched in years."R-reahhahahahahper w-what the f-fuhuhuk!?" Geno gently squirmed and struggled against Reapers grip, but Reaper was too strong for him.Reaper than began spidering each and every one of genos ribs fastly and smirked*"What~?Were you not expecting me to do this to YOU~?" Reaper claimed as Geno bucked up squealing and gebtly snorted along in it too*"N-nohohohohooh!!!t,-thahaha hehehehl!!le-ehehet g-gohohohohohoo!".Reaper disobeyed genos orders and gently rolled over, pinning Geno underneath hin and imediatley pinned his arms above his head with magic, making Geno blush softly and bite his lip nervously*"P-Please n-no. . . ." Reaper smirked and nodded, before suddenly spidered all over genos underarms, making geno squeak and then start laughing, his head flicking a bit*"N-nohoohohoh deahahahahath i s-sweahahahahahaahahaahhhr!!" Reaper enjoyed seeing Genos bad attempts at re-enforcement and smirked gently moving his hands down to genos sides.Genos eyes widened and he imediatley let out a loud gulo, reaper pulling up his sleeves and gebtly stoked his sides, recieveing alot of squirming, jolts and shaly giggles.He started spidering making geno buck uo and laugh again*"R-reahhahahhhahahaper!!!n-nohohoho f-fuhuuhuhuhuhhuhuhuking s-stahahahahhhahap!!!".Repaer let out a fake gasp and suddenly spidereid up and down genos sides ,going fast."D-DeahahahaAHAHAHHAhahhaahath m-mwahAHAHAhahahahahHhaahHHAHAHAhhahah!!!!!".Reaper then bucked up and smirked.He knew exactly where genos weak spot was.He gently layed his hands down on genos belly, making Geno gasp and sweatdrop.
  .  . . .
*reaper then spidered around genos belly slowly making geno burst out into loud laughter*"O-okahahahahahhHHahHAAHAHAHAH M-MEHHHEHEHrcyyyy!!!Reaahahaahhahappooeeeeeeerr!!!!" Laughed out geno.The two seemed to be enjoying themselves, as reaper spidered faster, making genos legs kick up and down and arched his spine.But then, Death slowly bent down while geno didnt notice, being drowned in giggles, he quickly blew a loud and strong raspberry onto genos belly , making him errupt it laughter ,throwing his head back."R-RRAHAHAHAHAHPER!!!B-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH" Reapers eyes widebed as he slowly stopped and smirked.Geno was lying there panting loudly and gulping.After he caught his breath he mumbled out*"y-you wont get away with that Reaper...*huff. *gasp*" Reaper let out a victorious chuckle and grinned widely.He will do that from now on.

(Sorry this is really shot and bad.Im writing this at 2 am XD Nightyyyyy.Any scenario suggestions?Let me know in da comments)

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