Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Rick, T-Dog, and Daryl walked up the steps to the door to go outside behind the prisoners but you stopped halfway and looked back. You could see Maggie hugging a crying Beth and Glenn standing beside Maggie with his hand on her shoulder. 'That's where you should be Y/N with your sisters' you thought to yourself.

"Hey, you comin'?" Daryl asked you. You spun around and shook your head "No, I think I need to be with my sisters," you told him. "Alright, we got this to go ahead be with them," he said and walked outside. You walked down the steps and towards the cell block. Carl opened the door for you and you thanked him. Walking over you wrapped your arms around beth from the back kissing her head. Maggie grabbed your hand and the three of you stood there holding each for a good while before pulling apart.

You walked into the cell where they had put Hershel. Lori and Carol were at his side trying to stop the bleeding. "How's he doing?" You asked. "The bleeding has slowed down, but we need bandage and disinfectant to keep it clean and out of infections way," Carol said looking up and you. "Thank you for helping," you told them. Lori looked over at you "of course sweetie. He's going to be just fine," she said. You just nodded your head and stared at your father's tears gathering in your eyes. You shut your eyes tight and then you turned and walked away towards the stairs to go up to your cell.

You stopped when you noticed Beth in her cell on the floor. Walking over you stood in the doorway "Hey, whatcha doing?" You asked. "Shortening the one pant leg so it doesn't drag on the ground and his trip on it," she said in her sweet voice. "That's a great idea," you told her. You walked away and up to your cell and sat down. All you could think about was how horrible you were to your father over the years.

"Hey," you heard Maggie's voice. "Hey," you said back giving her a small smile. "How ya holdin' up?" She asked sitting down beside you. "All I can think about is how horrible I was to him as a teenager and how we always butt heads," you told her. "Hey, you weren't the only one I wasn't the greatest either. When he got remarried I was angry and mean to him and Annette," Maggie said. "What're we going to do if we lose him Mags?" You asked. "I don't know but we'll be okay," she said and you hugged each other before getting up and walking back downstairs.

You stopped at the cell where your father was looking inside you could see Lori and Carol still working Beth was behind them watching. Carl then came walking passed you with a bag and dropping it on the floor. Carol turned and started going through the stuff pulling out bandages, disinfectant and other medical supplies. "Where'd you get this stuff?" Lori asked him. "I found the infirmary," he said. "You went alone?" Lori asked surprised and a little angry. "Yeah, took down two walkers no big deal," Carl said. "Do you see this? This happened with the whole group," Lori told him. "We needed it so I went," Carl argued. "Look I appreciate that you wanted to help.." she started but Carl cut her off "then get off my back!" He said. "Carl! She's your mother you can't talk to her like that," Beth spoke up. Carl huffed and stormed out of the cell.

  You heard Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and the prisoners come back inside so you left and headed for the common area. You walked over to Daryl "hey, so what's going on?" You asked watching Rick head into the cell block. "We're going to help them clear another cell block in exchange for half the food in the cafeteria," he told you. "You sure we should help them? They could come back here when everyone's sleeping," you said. "Rick is keeping a close eye on them. How's Hershel?" Daryl asked you. "He seems to be holding on. Carl found the infirmary so there are bandages and stuff. Lori wasn't happy that he went by himself," you told him. "Alright I'll be back after we get the food and helping clear a cell block," he told you and you nodded.

You walked back into the cellblock to Rick telling Glenn to take his handcuffs and put them on your father. Rick looked over to see you standing there looking at him.  "It's just precaution," he said to you. You nodded."yeah no I understand. It's smart," you said. He gave a slight nod and him, Daryl, and T-Dog took the prisoners and headed to the cafeteria. You were standing outside of the cell while Lori, Maggie, Beth, and Carl were inside it standing around. Glenn had gone outside with Carol to help her with something. You all just stood there watching and then suddenly he stopped breathing. Beth started crying and Maggie held her. Lori jumped into action and gave him CPR. He was breathing again and by that time T-Dog came in with food. Then the three guys left again to clean out a cell block.

After about an hour they had returned back to the cell block. The big guy Big Tiny was stretched by a walker and the leader guy went nuts and beat his head in. When they got to the laundry room Rick had him open the door but he opened both and walkers poured him. He had pushed a walker at Rick claiming it was an accident but Rick didn't believe him and ended up putting his machete through his head. The shorter one got away and Rick chased him locking him outside with walkers believing he dead. So that left Oscar and Axle who are now in a different cell block by themselves.

Your father had woke up and is doing good. You sat in the common area talking to Carol while she cooked up dinner for everyone. You had offered your help but she denied you. There wasn't much to pick from. So she settled on making rice. "Thanks for what you did, helping with saving my dad," you said to her. She looked at you and smiled "It was no problem you're family," she said. You smiled at that and nodded. "Can you let everyone know dinner is ready, please?' she askes you. You got up and walked tot he cell block "dinner is ready," you said and looked around for Daryl but failed to find him. "Rick, have you seen Daryl?" You asked. "He went out to the watchtower," he said. You nodded and want to the common area grabbing to bowls and spoons and headed outside.

You put the spoons in your pocket and put one bowl on top of the other so you could climb the stairs to the tower. Once at the tip, you opened the door and climbed up in and shut it behind you. "Hey, I brought dinner. It's just rice but it's better than nothing," you said handing him a bowl and a spoon. "Thanks, how's your dad doing?" He asked. "He seems to be doing good. He doesn't have a fever or anything so that's good. Beth was getting to eat when I left," you told him. "Good. How're you doing?" He asked you. "Honestly I'm having a battle with myself. All I can think about is all the horrible shit I did and how I always fought with him," you told him honestly. Daryl, of course, didn't know what to say he wasn't good at that stuff so he just put his arm around your shoulder and the two of you sat there in comfortable silence and ate and kept watch.

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