Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

You've been on the road for eight months running in circles trying to avoid the hoard. Lori was much bigger now and do soon. You've been bouncing from houses, buildings, even a storage unit. You would sometimes sleep out in the open if you couldn't find shelter. Right now you were pulled over on the side of the road looking at a map.

"We've literally been going in circles," you said. "It's only time this hoard meets up with this one," Glenn said pointing at the map. "We gotta find something and soon, " Rick said looking back at the truck where Lori was. "We can start by getting some water," T-Dog said. Daryl, you and Rick stood along the road while the others talked. "While the others wash their panties let's go hunt," Daryl said. You and Rick nodded and the three of you headed into the woods.

You were walking along old railroad tracks talking. Daryl had gotten a few squirrels. You came to a small clearing and stopped. Looking to the right you could see a prison. The yard inside the fence was full of walkers in prison jumpsuits. "That's a damn shame," Daryl said. Rick looked at the prison and started to smile. "Come on, let's go get the others," he said.

You walked back to the others "We found a place it has high fences around the whole place," Rick said. You walked over and got on your bike Daryl doing the same while the others got in the cars. You and Daryl took the lead finding the road to the prison which was only a couple miles up the road. You turned left and road down a dirt road until you came to the front gate. You stopped and got off your bike making sure go keep your eyes open for walkers.

Rick helped Lori get out of the truck while everyone else looked around. "A prison?" Maggie asked. "Yeah, why not? It'll have an infirmary, cafeteria, Maybe an Amory," you said. You wished you'd had your camera but you left it behind at the farm. Maybe you could find one on a run once you all got settled in. Rick came over with a pair of bolt cutters "come on, we'll cut the fence down there and then once we clear everything we can come back and get the cars," he said.

You all huddled around while Rick cut a hole in the fence. You walked over to a walker that was getting a little to close and sliced through its head with your machete. "Hurry quick," you heard Rick tell everyone. "Y/N lets go," Daryl said and you jogged over and climbed through the hole Rick had cut. Once everyone was through Glenn took a wire and started closing up the hole. Once he was done you all started running through the guard run until you got to the main gate leafing into the yard.

"We need to close that other gate. Who's going to run for it?" You asked. "I'll rin for it I'm the fastest," Glenn said. "No! It's a suicide run," Maggie told him. "She's right. You, Maggie, Beth, and T-Dog go over there distract the walkers use your knives to kill them through the fence. Hershel and Carl head up to that tower. Carol, you've gotten good with a gun go up in the other tower with Daryl. Y/N." He said before you cut him off. "I'll go with you have your back. I don't want to hear it from anyone either I'm going," you said. "All right let's go," Rick said.

Lori looked at us and Rick nodded his head for her to open the gate. Lori opened the gate and you and Rick started running for the other gate. You had your machete out. You took down any walkers that got to close to you or Rick. The ones in the tower were shooting the walkers around you and the ones on the fences were yelling and banging on the fence to try and distract the walkers away from you to them.

You had just taken down a walker that was between you and Rick when you had to jump back. Someone had shot at your feet. You and Rick looked up to the tower Carol and Daryl were in. "Sorry!" Carol yelled down to you and you and Rick went back to making it for the gate. You were busy slicing the top of walkers head off when you felt another on grabbing the back of your shirt making you stumble back. You couldn't get out of its grip as it went to take a chunk out of your shoulder but before its teeth could touch your skin Daryl shot an arrow through its head. "Y/N! Come on!" Rick yelled as he opened the door to the guard tower and shot the two walkers inside.

You ran over closing the door behind and the two of you made your way up to the top. "Light it up," Daryl yelled and everyone started shooting the remaining walkers that were in the yard. Once the walkers were all put down everyone met back up at the gate.

Daryl came over to you and put his hand on each cheek and moved your head from side to side the went behind you putting tye collar over your shirt down over your shoulder. "What'cha doin?" You asked. "Checkin ta make sure ya weren't bit or scratched," he said. "I wasn't I'm fine," you said taking his hand and kissing cheek which caused him to turn red.

"We haven't had this much room since the farm!" Carol said walking around the prison yard. You all set up a spot far enough in away from the fences. The guys built a fire and everyone laid out blankets to sit on. Carol and Lori started cooking the meat you had from the squirrels and rabbit Daryl had gotten. Rick walked around the prison yard checking to make sure there weren't any weak spots. Daryl stood on top of an overturned bus down by the main gate keeping watch.

You decided to go keep him company while the food was being cooked. You got up and headed to the bus. Once there you started climbing up Daryl noticed you and gave you a hand pulling you up on top with him. "What ya doing here?" He asked. "Thought I'd keep you company," you told him wrapping your arms around yourself. Daryl looked back towards the group and then at you "come 'er" he said holding his arm out towards you. You walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around your should while you wrapped yours around his waist. The heat coming from him warmed you up instantly.

You stood there keeping watch with Daryl snuggled under his arm. You heard a small clinching noise to your right. Turning you look over and saw carol climbing up. Daryl went over and helped her up. She handed up a bowl with meat in it. "If I didn't bring it to you, you would get any," she said. She started to rub her shoulder "what's wrong?" You asked. "The kickback I'm not used to it," she said. Daryl handed you the bowl "eat," he said and licked his fingers clean. He went over to Carol and started to rub her shoulder.

"Kinda romantic. Wanna fool around," you heard Carol. You snorted and almost choked on a piece of meat. "Oh my god," you said laughing. Daryls face turned red all the way up to the tips of his ears. "Stop," he said. You and Carol just laughed finding it funny. "I'll go down first," Daryl said as he started climbing down off the bus. You and Carol looked at each other then back to Daryl "even better," you both said. Daryl gave you a look "stop," he said and jumped down. Carol climbed down and you handed her the bowl. Climbing down the bus you felt hands on your waist helping you. Once down you turned to Daryl and gave him a smile pulling him into a soft short kiss before you walked back to the group to sit around the fire.

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