Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

  While the rest of you prepared to get ready to go into the rest of the prison in search of the cafeteria in hopes there was food Carol had took Hershel. You had found some riot gear and flash bombs on the dead guards. They were laid out on a table in front of you all. "There is no way I'm wearing any of this," you said looking at the nasty gear in front of you. "We could boil it," T said. "There ain't enough trees in the forest to make a fire hot enough to boil the rot out of this stuff," Daryl said.

You lifted a helmet off the table and dumped out a bunch of nasty green goo. "Oh that's nasty," you said trying not to puke. Carl walks over and picked up a clean helmet and put it on his head. "Little big there kid," you told him. And he grinned at you. Rick took it off his head " you won't need that because you're staying here," he told Carl. Carl went to argue but Rick cut him off before he could. "I need you to stay here be the man and be in charge," he said. Rick handed Carl the keys and Carl smiled and took them "okay I can do that," he told his father.

After Maggie, Hershel and T-Dog put of chest guards all seven of you walked off the cell block and into the common area Carl shutting and locking the door behind you. You walked over to the door that leads into the halls of the prison and to other cell blocks. You had your gun out and a flashlight standing behind Daryl and Rick who were on the front. Hershel and Maggie were in the middle with Glenn and T behind them. Glenn had a can of spray paint to mark arrows on the walls so you knew which way to go to get back to your cell block.

You were about to walk around a corner when Rick told you to go back. As you turned around a group of walkers came around the corner. Glenn and Maggie got cut off and ended up going a different way. Hershel got separated too so you went back to find him.

"Wait where's dad?" You asked. You turned around walking around the corner when you heard a voice "Maggie? Y/N?" You heard your father whisper. "Dad?" You said seeing him. He walked towards you stepping over a dead prisoner. "Where's Maggie?" He asked as he stepped over. But before you could answer the prisoner awoke and grabbed his leg taking a bite out of it. "Daddy!" I yelled and ran over as he screamed in pain and took out the walker. "Daddy! Oh my god!" You said dropping down beside him. "Help! Over here!" You yelled and everyone else ran over. "Daddy!" Maggie said running over to you.

Rick and Glenn helped Hershel up and you made a run for it. The group of walkers behind you getting closer. You turned a corner only to be cut off by a dead end. You turned around to see double doors but there were handcuffs on the handles. "It's locked shut! Anything could be in there!" You yelled at Rick. "Open it now!" He yelled. T-Dog turned taking his fire poker and broke off the handcuffs.

Everyone ran inside Daryl, you and T-Dog closing the doors and holding them shut as the group of walkers reached you and pushed against it trying to get in. Maggie, Glenn, and Rick were with Hershel. Maggie was crying so you left it to the boys and went over to her. Kneeling down beside her. She had your father's head in her lap as you wrapped your arm around her shoulders.

Rick made a fast decision and took his belt off putting it on Hershel's leg to stop the bleeding. He took his ax and took a deep breath. Bring the ax up he slammed it down cutting through Hershel's leg he did that a couple more times until the leg was cut off. Grabbing sheets and pressing them to the freshly amputated leg to try and stop the bleeding. Hershel had passed out from the pain and loss of blood. "We need to get him back," you said.

Daryl had come over ready fo help but he was looking behind you "duck," he said as he stood and raised his crossbow up. He walks around you, Maggie, Rick, Gleen, and Hershel. "Holy shit," you heard an unfamiliar voice. Turning you saw five men in the kitchen area of the small cafeteria. "Come out. Slowly," Daryl told them and they did as told. Once they were out in front of you, you could now see they were prisoners. "What happened to him," one of them asked. You stood up and walked to stand beside Daryl. "He was bit," you said. "Bit," one with long hair tied back said and pulled a gun.

Daryl raised his crossbow higher "easy now," he said. They were looking at you in horror and confusion. Glenn rushed passed them and into the kitchen coming back with a big metal table on wheels. You, Maggie, Glenn, and Rick each grabbed Hershel and counted to three then lifted him up onto the table. "Alright, let's go now! T-Dog!" Rick said and T-Dog opened the door and killed the few walkers that were still at the door. You started to rush out of the door pushing the table out of the doors and into the halls. "Daryl! Let's go!" Rick said and Daryl slowly backed out of the cafeteria.

You then took off down the halls back towards the cell block you were holding up in. Daryl and T-Dog were behind you all taking anything out. You finally made it to the door that leads to your cell block "we got company," Daryl said. Rick opened the door and you pushed the table in rushing to the other door and Carl stood there and quickly opened the door. You backed away and stayed in the common area with Daryl and T-Dog who had hidden. You and Daryl stood beside a table and waited for the five prisoners to show up.

Daryl had his one foot up on the seat at the metal table and had his crossbow up level with the doorway. You slid up on top of the table and sat there with your gun in hand. T-Dog was behind the guard tower hiding.  The five prisoners finally showed up and walked through the door. "That's far enough," Daryl told them. "Cellblock C. Cell four, that’s mine, gringo. Let me in," the guy with the ponytail said.  "Today’s your lucky day, fellas. You’ve been pardoned by the state of Georgia, you’re free to go," Daryl said.  "What you got going on in there?" Ponytail asked. "Ain’t none of your concern," you said.

  He pulls his gun out of his pocket. "Don’t be telling me what’s my concern," he says to you. "Chill, man. Dude’s leg is messed up. Besides, we’re free now! Why are we still here?" A big tall guy asked. "Man’s got a point," Daryl said his crossbow still pointed at them. "Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady," another guy said. "Group of civilians breaking into a prison you’ve got no business being in, got me thinking there ain’t no place for us to go!" Ponytail guy said. "Why don’t you go find out?" Daryl said. "Maybe we’ll just be going now," A guy with a mustache said. "Hey, we ain’t leaving!" The pont tail guy yelled pointing his gun. That's when T-Dog jumped out with his gun aimed at the guy. "You ain’t coming here either!" He said. "Hey, this is my house, my rules, I go where I damn please!" The guy said.

  "Not anymore you don't. We cleared this out so it's our cell block now," you said. "There ain’t nothing for you here, why don’t you go back to your own sandbox?" Daryl said. Rick then walks into the common area "Hey, hey, hey! Everyone relax, there’s no need for this," he said. "How many of you in there?" The ponytail asked. "Too many for you to handle," Rick tells him. "You guys rob a bank or something? Why don’t you take him to a hospital?" The guy asked. You looked at Rick and the back at the prisoners. "How long have you been locked in that cafeteria?" Rick asked.  "Going on like ten months," he told him. "A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it," the tall guy said. "Attica on speed, man," mustache said. "Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy," the little short guy said.

"One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria, told us to sit tight, threw me this piece, said he’d be right back," ponytail said. "And that was 292 days ago," the tall one said. "94 according to me…" mustache started. "Shut up!" Ponytail told him. "We were thinking that the army or the national guard should be showing up any day now," the tall guy told you. "There is no army," Rick said. "What do you mean?" Pont tail asked. "There’s no government, no hospitals, no police. It’s all gone," Rick told them. "For real?" Mustache asked. "Serious," Rick said. "What about my moms?" The tall guy said looking down. "My kids, my old lady! Yo, you got a cell-phone or something so we can call our families?" One guy asked. "You don’t get it, do you?" Daryl asked. "No phones, no computers," you said. "As far as we can see, at least half the population’s been wiped out. Probably more," Rick said. "Ain’t no way," ponytail said "See for yourself," Rick said. So you lead them outside into the courtyard.

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