Not Georgie

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There's a point in life where insanity is overruled by logic. And where tears do nothing but ruin your makeup. A point where you just want to give up and let everything go. Give up, and let go.

You just want someone to eras your memories. Just eras them and never let you remember.

A point where your done with life, people, yourself… everything really.

And I know I’ve done wrong, and I know I’ve made mistakes. Yeah, I’m not perfect, and most things that happen to me are my fault, but again the saying “Happiness is a choice doesn’t apply to me.” If I had a choice, an option button, I’d click happiness a dozen times. But I don’t have an option button, and I can’t control things like a video game. And I’m sorry.

Sorry for all I’ve done. And all that I haven’t done. I just think it’s best if ‘Stranger’ was a phrase that described me from now on.

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